Wednesday, May 27, 2009

dear jessica

Ok... so clearly "dear jessica" (lower case "d" and lower case "j") will be the new feature... as for the others... maybe they will show up periodically... we'll see...

So anyway, first thing is first.... I need an image to post with each "dear jessica" entry. And since I don't want to make one, let's make it a contest... if you want to enter one, email it to me ( and then I will post all entries and let YOU all pick the favorite!

Next, I will go with the comment moderation idea! Each time I solicite "dear jessica" questions I will turn on the comment moderation... I have never done this before but I am assuming I will just copy the questions and then not approve the comment? When I turn comment moderation back ON, I will try to post a notice on my blog so that you know not to post anymore questions.

I agree that the question askers will be left anonymous so if you forget to sign it "Lost without Him" (or something like that) then I will make one up for you!

I will do my best to answer everyone's questions... just remember... you have to ask questions because I can't ask myself for advice =)

Did I forget anything? Any other suggestions?



erin said...

what?! now you want us to be creative too?! :-) i'll see what kind of an image i can come up with. just not right now!
and to answer your question, yes. you just don't approve the questions. or you can delete them too.

Anonymous said...

Sending one your way...

Signed, Attempting Creativity

Elizabeth said...

the funny thing is, you COULD submit a question that was true or not, and no one would know it was you anyway :P haha