Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Skinny Piggy Bank

After I filled up my gas tank, my piggy bank looked like this...


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Would you rather...??

Would you rather serve your enemy for a day?
Be served for a day by someone you are deeply indebted to?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

My crazy week

This week I had a lot going on, particularly at work. But I also had a paper to write for school so after my long days at work, I had to come home and work on my paper. My week was insane so today it was no surprise that I was exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally. So, I took some Personal Time from work this afternoon; I came home around 1:00 and took a 5-hour nap!!!

At some point, I might blog about the particulars of my week, but I am too tired to do that right now. But I did do something cool with work: I participated in a program called Legislative Partners where we learn about issues and bills affecting State Farm and take them to our State Legislatures (literally, we take them to the Capital). More to come another day...


Monday, April 7, 2008

My Future.

I am kind of at a crossroads with my future. I know in a previous blog I mentioned that I will be graduating soon and am still uncertain about my future. Well, I have decided to take a big step that could result in me moving back to MN within months. While I will make the steps necessary to pursue this specific opportunity (more details to follow... in a few weeks... maybe), it is ultimately not up to me or even the others involved in the decision making. It is up to God.

Please pray that God will make his will clear as I pursue this opportunity. And please pray that despite my desires, God will help me (and my parents) trust that His decision is best. Moving back to MN would be a very bitter-sweet move: I would be moving closer to my immmediate family, yet I'd be leaving many friends and family (who I love so much) behind in CA.



Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Jury Duty update...

So there is nothing to report on!
I totally didn't get picked.
I didn't get picked, because I didn't even have to go!
Every day (several times a day), like a good American Citizen,
I faithfully checked the website to see when I needed to report.
Then, on Wednesday morning, I logged on, only to find:
"[my] jury duty has been completed for this year."
So I rented "12 Angry Men" - the black/white version
It was a great movie!
Only it intensified my desire to sit on a jury.
There is always the possibility of next year's jury duty.
Or maybe I could go to Law School?!?!