Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pet Peeves

What is your pet peeve?

This is your chance to tell the world what bugs the heck out of you!
Put as many or as few as you want.
You can even post anonymously if you really want to lay it all out there!


not2brightGRAM said...

Spelling errors in newspaper headlines, book titles, and billboards. Doesn't anyone use an editor anymore?

(more to come)

3dingsandadog said...

People chewing loud. Especially if their mouth is open..ick

People that run late...I have to be on time..or I stress out

Anonymous said...

I HATE red arrows on stop lights! ARGH!!! Does the government think I can't see well enough to know when I shouldn't turn?!?!?!

not2brightGRAM said...

People that don't housebreak their peeves. If you're going to bring them in from the wild and make them a pet, do your part!

Anonymous said...

unsolicited emails and faxes trying to sell stuff I never would think of buying from a hawker such as: "cheap" medical insurance, 3 day romantic cruises, miracle diet pills, etc. I once had to change the telephone number of our fax machine because I was getting tons of these faxes every day.

Emails are starting to get out of hand - thinking about changing it also. At least email doesn't waste paper.

Also, Pop ups on the computer that disappear until a later time.... and, I suppose, pop-up's in general

not2brightGRAM said...

Yes, and then there is the pre-recorded cell phone message I get AT LEAST twice a week, "This is the second notice that your car warranty is about to expire!"

If they were REALLY keeping track, it would say, ""This is the hundred and ninety second notice that your car warranty is about to expire!"

not2brightGRAM said...

Oh, and we don't have any car warranties on our 10 and 15 year old cars.

Anonymous said...

okay, now you got me thinking...oh daughter of mine...

I think the one thing that reaaaaly peeves me is:

immigrants who move to our country and don't make an effort to learn our "english" language and try to embrace our culture.

i love you! p

not2brightGRAM said...

Yep, Dave. Check.

Another one. People who wear obnoxious sayings on the chest of their T-shirts, or tattoos, and then stare you down if they see you reading or looking at them, as if to say, "What are you looking at?". If they don't want people looking at them, why do they wear something provocative?

Your turn.

Rebecca said...

People who take up the whole sidewalk and don't make room for oncoming pedestrians. I've been run off the sidewalk one too many times lately!

Jess(ica) said...

I pretty much agree with all of the above stated!

To add my own:
- people driving slow in the fast lane and won't move over when someone going faster is coming.

- when someone says something that, on paper, sounds kind or maybe neutral, but they really mean it to be rude or a silent jab

- when a waiter wants to memorize my whole table's order as if that is somehow impressive (9 times out of ten they get it wrong, too!)

That is it for now... back to studying.


Anonymous said...

this may sound mean but...

I hate dumb people! Anyone who, in my mind, should understand something and just can't get it irks me.

Another peeve of mine is people who are inconsiderate of other people's time.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm Charlie, I think you meant to put the first half of your comment in this post: Finish this sentence:
You might be a "Clark" if...

Anonymous said...

when I call a business (phone company, credit card company, etc..) and end up having to talk to someone who does not speak English very well and I can barely understand.. is very frustrating and annoying!


Anonymous said...

I agree with Midge! I hate when I have to call Delta Airlines because they not only don't speak english, they don't understand english! This is one of the reasons I don't fly their airline anymore.

Elizabeth said...

i have to say that out of everyone's post so far, i agree with charlie's!! i hate having to continually explain and explain and they STILL DON'T GET IT!!

another pet peeve is when people are turning left and they don't get COMPLETELY over into the middle lane, they're like half and half and you can't get around them...

i'm sure i'll think of more later... my mind is numb right now

and yes, jess, i will post another blog sometime. i just don't have much creativity!!! :(

Elizabeth said...

jessica i posted something JUST FOR YOU on my blog.

Elizabeth said...

one of my BIGGEST pet peeves is when people text me early in the morning when... why would i be awake?! i've gotten too many 630 am texts on a saturday morning to be polite about it anymore! :)

not2brightGRAM said...

Hey, Elizabeth, can't your phone profile turn off everything but the ringer? Mine does. When I wake up, sometimes I have 10-15 emails and several texts waiting, all having arrived silently whilst I slept.

Elizabeth said...

nope... :(

Elizabeth said...

another pet peeve about my phone is when people call and i dont answer so they leave a message that says "hey call me back." as if a missed call doesn't do the same thing!!

Elizabeth said...

having to repeat myself!!!!!!