Thursday, August 20, 2009


Life is filled with lots and lots of "firsts" - many of them are when we are young but some happen in our adult years, too.
  • First walked - 10 months old (I think... may have been 9 months)
  • First sibling - John Truax August 25, 1983
  • First day of Kindergarten - Summer of 1986
  • First Best Friend - Grace
  • First boy I remember having a crush on - Chris Mooney
  • First *big* move - to Minnesota
  • First time experiencing the death of a loved one - Grandma Jones
  • First time taking my driver's license test - failed
  • First time moving away from home - to Bozeman, Montana
  • First niece: Taylor
  • First car: Dodge Shadow
  • First job (besides Bloomers and babysitting) - Mc Donald's
  • First kiss - well, you get the gist

Today I experienced a new "first" and it is not a fun "first" -

I found my first gray hair.

Now, I know what you are thinking: "Oh honey, I have a head full of gray hair and if I didn't dye it I'd be a blue-hair." I get it... other people have it worse off than I do. But think back to your first gray hair... it's not a fun moment in life and it certainly doesn't make you any wiser.

So, while many other people are "worse off" in the gray hair department, it's the first time I've experienced the gray hair thing and I'm not gonna lie, it's depressing- it represents the fact that no matter how hard I try and how much I am in denial, I am not going to stay young forever.

So ready or not, here comes old age.

(at least my boobs aren't down to my knees yet)


erin said...

poor jess...

we found ben's first gray hair this year. and it wasn't paint--it was real!

i haven't searched for any yet. but if i have my mom genes, i'll be totally and completely gray by 40. yipee!

and way to look on the bright side of things--love the boob comment!

Giggles said...

Just think about the fun firsts still left in life, don't get depressed!

I just had a first of my own the other day - first serious injury. I have to wear this dorky knee brace :(

Anonymous said...

The first gray hair on your head is not nearly as disturbing as the first gray hair on your crotch.

Jess(ica) said...

Wow, I'm not gonna lie... didn't ever know/think about the gray hair on crotch thing... is that for real? kinda makes me gag. haha

3dingsandadog said... all the comments...

I got my first gray at 28 as is depressing. Having dark hair, I couldn't even lie to myself that it was a REALLY blond hair..hehe

Thank goodness for hair dye.

Four peas in a pod said...

Ewwwwww! Gross crotch comment!

.....Grey hair? What Grey hair? And, who cares about the color of hair? What sucks is being a woman and growing hair on your face! Ewwwww again!

-A. Lori

Anonymous said...

is it gray or grey? I wasn't sure so went with the "a"-

And yes, Barb- having dark hair stinks when it comes to trying to justify the new "blonde" hair you found hahah

Midge said...

Haha.. for once you have me beat ons something! Since I am up on you by 7 yrs, i usually beat you in this department. hehe.. Just kidding.. Seriously, it is no biggie. Think of it as you are just wiser. Plus they say most of it is due to heredity or stress. So blame it on your parents or the world. Love you no matter how many grays you will have!

Anonymous said...

Finally catching up on reading your blog, and I have to say, this one was different.

I'm a little grossed out too with the gray hair on the crotch. Can anonymous step forward and say how old you were when it happened? I'm in my early fifties and thinking I could definitely be content with just dyeing the hair on my head for many years.

not2brightGRAM said...

I found my first gray when I was about 30-ish. I have no idea how many I have now, because I've colored for years, but I have a feeling it's way too many to count!

john-tiffani-taylor-hannah said...

Charlie got gray hair when he was 5 because I hit him in the head with a golf ball. I thought I hit a tree and then he fell to the ground screaming. Ever since he has had a gray patch right where I hit him.

- John