Friday, January 2, 2009

Speeding Ticket... Averted.

How does one get out of a speeding ticket?

1- Don't know how fast you were going or what the speed limit was (or illude to such)

2- Get the officer talking about how the posted speed limit is unreasonably low

3- Tell the officer about a great place to take his wife on a date night

Easy as 1...2...3... =)

Have any good stories of getting out of a ticket?

Or getting a ticket, but made a valiant effort to avoid it?

Do tell... =)


not2brightGRAM said...

Someday, if the opportunity ever presents itself, ask Grandpa Clark about the time he pulled a police officer over and made him write HIMSELF a ticket! That was hilarious. I wonder if your dad remembers it? He was in the back seat of the car with me.

Jess(ica) said...

Oh wow, that is nuts!

Anonymous said...

You little buger you. You get out of so many tickets I cant believe it. hey remember that one time on the way to Reno, I was going 86 mph and I got pulled over and you were like screaming at me to cry in front of the cop. I was like dude I cant, I am in the wrong and youre like dude just cry if you want to get out of a ticket hahaha, good times!

Jess(ica) said...

The crying thing only worked for me once and it was b/c it was genuine... But Rach, you cry all the time and the one time you couldn't cry... hehe =)

Anonymous said...

I got my one and ONLY ticket on the way driving to MN one year...was going along in Mt. when out of no where a cop was behind me...I put down my window and asked him what the problem was...he said I was going over the speed as he was writing me a ticked I asked him if I can get a Senior Discount??? I did get a smile out of him, but he said I had to pay $35.00..........

3dingsandadog said...

The best way to get out of several tickets....have your licence plate come up "law enforcement"...This has worked well for Lee :)LOL

Four peas in a pod said...

I've been pulled over twice but never gotten a ticket. The first time I got pulled over was when we were living in Seattle and I was driving down to the Mt. St. Helens area for work. I was going over the speed limit and the officer was going to write me a ticket, but she got another call and had to rush off. She told me that it was my lucky day! I agree!


Anonymous said...

the two times i have been pulled over were with a one month time span this last summer. both times were after getting off work at 10:30pm, both times i was wearing scrubs. both times i was going ten mph over the speed limit, and the stops were within a mile of each other. and both times i got written warnings! yahoo. i think my scrubs definitely worked to my advantage! so next time - DON'T GET PULLED OVER UNLESS YOU ARE WEARING SCRUBS! :)

erin said...

good job jess! lol... that's so funny!

i got my first ticket when i was 17 -- 69 in a 55. had to pay about $130...youch! my second ticket was about 4 years ago. 50 in a 45. this ticket pissed me off because they were pulling everyone over. the cop ran out in front of me (i was over in the left lane, too) and waved me over to the side of the road where there were 3 other cars pulled over. the guy behind me pulled over too and the policeman went and told him he wasn't pulled over. still had to pay about $130.
third time i got pulled over was when i was about 7 months pregnant with ryan. i ignored the no u-turn sign and did a u-turn and got pulled over. the cop was older and i was super cheery... "GOOD MORNING OFFICER!!!" i was hoping he'd take pity on me since i was preggo and he did. he said something like "i bet you didn't see that no u-turn sign back there," and i said something like, "oh, was there one back there?" so he gave me a little lecture about that it's not safe to do a u-turn there because it's busy in the morning. that's the only ticket i've gotten out of. never can cry i guess because i get too mad! :-) but i'm a good driver now and don't usually need to worry when i see a police car!

Sarah Casebolt said...

What about when you cried and told the policeman that you wouldn't be able to buy Christmas presents if he gave you a ticket? ;)

Jess(ica) said...

Sarah- I do remember that story... and that is only half the story! Do you remember how I got pulled over a few days later but buy a different cop? And then the FIRST cop came into my place of business and somehow it came out that I had been pulled over again and he was not happy with me, especially since he let me go (I believe he said, "I will let you go this time but if I ever pull you over again, I will ticket you for everything I can think of."

But it was definitely true: buy Christmas presents or pay speeding ticket! TG the cop let me buy Christmas presents!

Anonymous said...

Your poll on how many times I've been let go is too low!! Unfortunately, I've received about as many as I've been set free from.
Most memorable - I rolled thru a stop sign, looked to my right and saw the officer in his patrol car. I immediatly pulled off to the side of the road, stopped and waited for him. He came up to the window and was surprized at my cooperation and asked if I wanted a $105.00 ticket or a $105.00 verbal lashing. I took the lashing.


Anonymous said...

The way I remember it was when the "Christmas present police officer" came in to the store you were working at and he asked you if you remembered him, you said no. He then proceeded to tell you that he was the police officer that pulled you over AND your spontanious response was "which time?" That was FUNNY!

Elizabeth said...

your poll also doesn't have the specification of "i'm just lucky and good at watching for cops!"

but i better not jinx myself.

not2brightGRAM said...

Whoa... this post has really generated the comments!

When I was 17, I *rolled* through a stop sign near my school. It was at the top of a hill, and there was a cop watching me.

In keeping with my rebellious teen nature, I *consciously* thought to myself, "I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of thinking I'll change my driving just because he's a cop!" and sped down the hill.

When he pulled me over at the bottom, he asked me if I knew he'd seen me roll though the stop sign. When I replied in the affirmative, he asked me why in the world I didn't do the speed limit going down the hill.

I just sort of smirked at him.

I didn't get out of THAT ticket. He wrote me up fully on two counts.

What a dumb kid I was!

Jess(ica) said...

Dad- Nice pick on taking the lashing over the ticket! haha

Elizabeth- You better knock on wood now!

Mom- Yep that is exactly how the story goes! haha

Aunt pup- A good lesson in that standing firmly on a principle can have negative consequences!

Everyone- I'm loving reading all your stories!