Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Broomball Video

I have a video of broomball thanks to my friend Ryan. He is one of my friends who I met in Montana (we worked at a large, retail store together). Ryan is an engineer and frequently travels for work and since he was in the twin cities, he gave me a call and we've been hanging out. Ryan came to my broomball game tonight and graciously offered to record a video of the game.

It's kind of hard to tell who I am because my whole team is wearing blue, but he kind of followed me around so I'm the person who wearing a black helmet and I am pretty consistently in the video.

Anyway, watch if you want, but if you aren't interested, no big deal. I wanted to post it though because some people have been asking me to. The video does not fully capture how amazing broomball is but it gives you an idea of how it works anyway.


not2brightGRAM said...

That looks like some serious fun!

And, wow! Minnesota is a long way from California...

erin said...

cool! the only place i've ever played it is on streb's pond, so it looks weird to see it in a rink!
and good job on the videoing ryan. i usually get way motion sick watching home movies.... but i was able to make it through the whole thing!

Four peas in a pod said...

Wow! That is *cool*. It looks so slippery! The advertisement on the side of the rink for 3M wasn't lost on me!

Thanks for posting this!

A. Lori

Anonymous said...

must say, it looks like lots of fun...going around like that keeps you warm!!!

Anonymous said...

those nets are huge!

Four peas in a pod said...

That looks like loads of fun! You rock!
