Sunday, October 12, 2008

5 Hour Nap

I took a 5 hour nap today - well, 4 hours without interruption and another hour, waking up periodically. It felt great and was much needed.

I just figured I would post this useless information since my blog title is about naps, and this nap was a great one!


3dingsandadog said...

Naps are in our blood. Are there any Clark's that don't like naps???

I was talking to my friends one day about a great nap that I took...and they kind of looked at me

Oh well...I love a good nap :)

Five hours...that is impressive!

Jess(ica) said...

LOL, yeah, us "Clarks" appreciate naps a lot more than your average person. =)

erin said...

i would totally love and appreciate a 5 hour nap. unfortunately the only time i get a five hour nap is at night when the rest of my family is sleeping too!
hey when exactly will you be in GR? i can't wait to see you!

Jess(ica) said...

I will be in GR Friday late afternoon (3-4-5ish) and staying until sunday evening.... =) What time works to get together for ya??

erin said...

on friday at 3:30 we're having worship team practice, then i don't think we have anything planned. saturday we're going to blackduck and should be home by 4. then sunday i just have to play for worship team... it's sooo convenient how they have worship team on the weeks i come home to visit! ;-) if any of those times work let me know! you can call me at my parents or on my cell. 816 726 2194. see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Jess and her naps, dude, seriously, 5 hours is a nights rest for me, crazy Jess.