Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Big Changes

Some of my blog readers know that I applied for a job in Mendota Heights, Minnesota (in the twin cities area) a few weeks ago. The job is an Auto-Claim Processor with State Farm. It would be a lateral move since I am currently a Fire-Claim Processor. I didn’t post about this pursuit because I didn’t know if it would pan out and honestly, it’s never fun to say, “I didn’t get the job” (although we all have said that at times and there is no shame in that as long as you did your best).

The beginning part of last week I went to Minnesota for an interview. They didn’t pay for me to go out there; I brought myself out. They were willing to do a video conference interview, but I wanted it to be face-to-face.

I have gone back and forth on this issue… a lot. While I have always said I wanted to move back to Minnesota after I graduate college, once the option to go became a reality, I got cold feet. It's one thing to make a decision where all you need to figure out is which choice is “good” and which is “bad,” but this is different. But both options are “good” choices. I have a lot going for me here yet there is a lot for me in Minnesota too. No matter what state I live in, I will be facing new challenges since I will be done with school and needing to find various things to fill my time. I have a great job here, yet the job in Minnesota is great, too. I have great friends here, but I know I’d make great friends there. CA has great weather, awesome family and friends, lots of big cities to visit, a diverse environment, and did I mention great weather? MN has mom, dad, Charlie, Greg, John, Tiff, Taylor, in a few days, Hannah, and dad’s airplane, ice hockey, and the Midwest mentality. You can see my dilemma.

Before I heard back from the interview panel in Minnesota, I decided, “If I get the job, I will go,” and, “If I get the job, I will turn it down,” about 5 times each. I had even hoped I would not be offered the job so that I wouldn’t have to decide (what a copout, huh?).

Yesterday, my manager came up to me with an email he received from the Human Resources Department in Minnesota stating that they were offering me the job.

Hooray??? Er, Hooray!!! <-- That is how I felt. On one hand, I was proud that I had been offered the job. Interviewing is tough and I was proud that they had selected me. On the other hand, I was forced to make a very important decision.

Sparing the details of the numerous conversations I had with many people, one point that several people seemed to make over and over was that I need to just commit to one decision and stick with it, even when I feel like changing my mind, until I have overwhelming evidence that leads me in another direction. That is hard for me because I have a hard time committing to things. But, I heeded that advice.

And, I took the job.

I am very excited and happy, yet a little sick to my stomach. Some of you may be surprised to hear I took the job because we may have discussed this on a day (or minute) where I was strongly leaning towards staying in CA. I know one thing: I can’t sit here and hope I made the “right” decision because I think either decision would have been ok. But I think the decision to take the job and move to Minnesota will challenge me far more than staying where I am at… and it’s never a bad thing to challenge yourself.

I have received so much support from everyone: friends, family, and obviously my parents. I would definitely appreciate your continued prayers as I say “see you later” to my dear friends and family here in California; and for all the details of moving across the country and finding a place to live. And finally prayers for peace, because I am certain I will question my decision for many months as I settle into this new phase of my life in the twin cities.

I don’t have a “release date” from my current job yet, although I am pretty sure it will be at the beginning part of June. I should know by the end of this week. I'll keep y'all posted.

Oh yeah... I would be happy to entertain those of you who might want to come to see me, experience the twin cities, and visit my family up in Grand Rapids!

One last thing: If I haven't told you personally, "I got/took the job!" please know that this is something I have been stressing about for so long that, now that I have made a decision, my focus has quickly and temporarily shifted elsewhere: school. Don't take that to mean you can't bring it up if we talk, though. I just might not think of bringing it up because in the midst of this job decision, I am also trying to finish my last 3 weeks of college!


Anonymous said...

I love you and miss you so much. We can't wait to have you back home! God has opened this door for you, it will be fun to see what this part of your life's journey holds for you. Remember "He shines a light unto your path" He doesn't show you too far down the trail. So stay close to Him (as usual) and He'll guide you along! What an adventure!!

Anonymous said...

Well when we come to MN, we now will have another place to visit!!! As much as we will miss you, I'm happy for you and your MN family!!! talk to you you...

Anonymous said...

Well when we come to MN, we now will have another place to visit!!! As much as we will miss you, I'm happy for you and your MN family!!! talk to you you...

A day in the Life... said...

Congratulations on getting a new job! I am sure it will be an exciting adventure for you! Just like the time we drove to the cities in your little green stick shift car. I don't recall why we were going there though or what we did?? I am trying to remember what song we were blaring over and over again though. Do you remember?

not2brightGRAM said...

As I texted you already,




I am so very happy for you and your MN family, but of course we will miss you sorely here! But, as you said, this will be one more great reason to go to Minnesota...someday. ;-)

Love you...

Jess(ica) said...

Katie, I can't remember the song, but I definitely remember the trip in my little green car! I had only had that car for about a week when we left. It was the first week I drove a stick shift and the first time I drove on a freeway by myself! We went to Valley Fair and then we went to the Mall of America. That is where I first got my eyebrows waxed! Fun Times!!!

Rebecca said...


Congratulations. . . not just on the job, but on making your first big "adult" decision. You are absolutely right! Decisions between good and bad are easy, but most decisions don't fall into that category. It's a lot harder (and a lot more confusing) to decide between good and good.

May God bless you in this exciting adventure you're on. I know He has wonderful things planned for you and that He will be faithful to bring to completion the good things He has begun in your life.

Anonymous said...

im happy for you and i know you will have fun in MN!

A day in the Life... said...

Ahhh yes I remember the eyebrow wax. I thought you were nuts! I am still wracking my brain on the song... It will come to me, I think it was actually a whole tape.

Jess(ica) said...

I will try and think more about what song it might have been, too. Was it "Unbreak my heart" by Toni Braxton? Or "Don't Speak" by No Doubt. That may not be it; I am just trying to think of songs I liked back in the day =)

Four peas in a pod said...

Congratulations, Jessica!

I remember how hard it was for us to make the decision to move from Seattle to the east coast. We loved living in Seattle, but it was so hard to be far away from my family. No matter where you live, we know that you will be successful at whatever you choose in life!

And since MN is much closer to us than CA, we expect another visit :-) You know that your guest room is open anytime for you!


3dingsandadog said...

Congratulations, Jessica! What an exciting time this is for you. We wish you the best. :)

Anonymous said...

Now that you made a decision a weight will be lifted.You can be the next Mary Tyler Moore !!! (do you remember that show?)Find a place near the Mall of America,I would love to visit there !!! I am so excited for you. Are you taking some time off before you have to start working.(beside the time for moving,that is?) Will the company pay for your move?! You will be missed.Always enjoyed visiting with you,unfortunately times were to few and far between !Love,Aunt Lynn

Anonymous said...

I mentioned the Mary Tyler Moore show to her too! She didn't think she ever watched the show. Unfortunately it show our age because we remember a time when going off as a young woman finding yourself was unusual. It was a cutting edge program!

Jess(ica) said...

The only time off I have is the 3 days for moving. It's ok though. I would rather save my vacation time for other pursuits (like Singapore, the Virgin Islands, and/or NYC). It will be weird to not have to use the time to go to MN =)