Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Just a thought

Does anyone else agree that no matter what is going on in life, no matter what troubles or worries you have on your heart and mind, that when you are standing in a hot shower, everything seems to be problem free as long as you stay in the shower? I've always thought that, as long as I can remember...


Four peas in a pod said...

Yes, except when the shower runs out of hot water.


Jess(ica) said...

Yeah, True. The water does have to stay hot!!

A day in the Life... said...

No not really b/c when I am in the shower the kids are either in the bathroom with me opening and closing the door or they are banging on the outside telling me they want in!

erin said...

you are lucky jess... that is so not true for me. i tend to worry about things more in the shower because it's my only time of quiet (except when the kids are screaming and crying like katie said) and i can think about all the things i NEED to worry about!