Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jessica's Practical Tip #3

Another tip; this one is for all the women out there who like to have smooth legs...

Never shave your legs when you are in a hurry.

The amount of time spent addressing the problems that may arise from shaving while in a hurry double the amount of time you would have spent if you had only taken your time shaving.

If you choose to not heed this advice, do yourself a favor and at least have a roll of toilet paper and a few band-aids close by.


Rachel said...

Dude just pull the French chick look and don't shave AT ALL, seems to work in France haha (totally joking)

erin said...

what in the world are you doing shaving your legs?! isn't it still winter up there? :-)
lol... been there, done that. i once had to tie a washcloth around my ankle to temporarily stop the bleeding from the 2 inches of skin i sliced off my leg!

i'm liking rachel's idea...

not2brightGRAM said...

Learned this tip a LONG time ago. Can't remember the last time I nicked myself.

The second part of this tip is, don't use cheap razors.

A day in the Life... said...

Yeah I just choose to not shave my legs.. It saves soo much time!

Elizabeth said...

i may be jinxing myself, but i have a razor that i've never cut myself with...

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure Rachel wasn't joking ;)

not2brightGRAM said...

Well, SOME girls can get away with not shaving. Some can't. It all depends on whether your DNA hails from Scandinavia or the Mediterranean area. ;-)