Wednesday, February 4, 2009


What would YOU do for a Klondike Bar?


Anonymous said...

I would sing the national anthem at a sports event.

Anonymous said...

I would pump gas in my underwear.

not2brightGRAM said...

I would take a moderate amount of insulin. Probably about 4 units.

erin said...

i would drive to wal-mart and pay $4 for a 6 pack of them!

Anonymous said...

I would bathe in green jello.

Anonymous said...

I'd have a weight watcher toffee ice cream bar instead, lots less calories and better tastin!

Jess(ica) said...

that is boring "mom" (who is "mom" btw?) Is MY mom still up???

and not the question!

Your answer should be "nothing" -

You'd do "nothing" for a Klondike bar. haha

Anonymous said...

Nothing. I don't like smooth ice cream. It has to have something in it, like nuts!


Elizabeth said...

wait, i don't get it... nothing?

Four peas in a pod said...

There is nothing I would do to obtain a Klondike bar.

Rebecca said...

I would consider moving to MN!

not2brightGRAM said...

Right now, I'd do almost anything. We've been cranking up the fireplace, and it's downright HOT in here! 78 degrees to be exact!

3dingsandadog said...

not much..but ask me what I would do for a Starbucks!!!

Anonymous said...

I would do unforgivable things for a Klondike bar :) Like listen to the Jonas Brothers :(