Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Would you rather...?

Would you rather totally lose your sight, your hearing or your voice?

And why did you pick the choice you did?
Tag, YOU'RE it!: I am not going to officially "tag" anyone becuase I don't feel like linking blogs right now, but if you have a blog, you should put a "Would you rather...?" on yours, too!
Confession: I didn't think of this one on my own, although I have pondered this very thought before and have had an answer to this question for years - which I will wait to reveal until others have commented. I googled it to save time because the creative juices were just not flowing tonight.


Anonymous said...

I would rather loose my hearing. If you lose hearing you can train to become capable of functioning in society normally without being discriminated against harshly. Being blind or being mute wouldn't allow that. Plus I would get a reprieve from listening to the guys in my dorm unit being loud all the time ;)

Four peas in a pod said...

I would rather lose my voice since there are many other ways to communicate (like writing). I can not imagine losing the ability to see or hear my children.

Four peas in a pod said...

That previous post was from me!


erin said...

we've talked about this from time to time too and tried to explain it to samantha.
this is a hard one. we've always debated between sight and hearing. (and i've always picked that i'd lose my hearing.) never included talking, so this poses a whole new scenario for me! i definitely wouldn't want to lose my eyesight. i think i depend on that more than my hearing or my voice. so would i rather tell my children that i love them, or hear them tell me they love me.....?
i think i'd give up my voice. even though i love to talk, i think i could get by with not using that as much as sight or hearing. after all, talking is not a sense but sight and hearing are.
looking forward to hearing your reason!

not2brightGRAM said...

I think I would give up my voice. The Bible teaches, in too many places to list here, about the dangers of the tongue and even common wisdom says it is better to listen than to speak. So, losing my voice would give me an advantage!

Besides, I can't imagine seeing all the beauty in the world, my husband, kids' and grandkids' faces, or listening to their voices or the music that I love so much.

But, silence from me--- that might very well be an answer to a lot of people's prayers!!

not2brightGRAM said...

Make that NOT seeing; NOT listening in th above post. Haste makes waste.

Jess(ica) said...

I would rather lose my voice. I would want to hear what is happening all around me and be able to take in the world and everything that my friends and family communicate with my eyes and ears. As others have mentioned, there are ways to communicate besides with your voice and as frustrating as it would be (I love to talk), I would rather be able to hear and see than speak. And I already have 2 semesters of sign language under my belt, so I'd be a step ahead hehe

3dingsandadog said...

I too, would rather loose my voice. I can't imagine being blind for many reasons and I would always want to hear Kyleigh's voice.

Nicole said...

Definitely my voice. At least I could get a communication device like one of those awesome computers that would just speak for me. I can type pretty fast so I'd be ok. :D

Rebecca said...

This is a new twist. I've never seen voice added to the dilemma. I would definitely rather lose my voice. The other two are how I take in the world. If I lost my sight or my hearing, I wouldn't be able to experience as much. But, if I lost my voice, I could still express much of myself through body language and writing. I just cannot imagine not being able to see Caleb dance or hear Annabelle laugh!

Four peas in a pod said...

Easy. My voice.

Life's greatest pleasures can be seen and heard, but my voice is usually not heard anyway! ;-)
Right, Ellie? Just kidding, she listens fairly well for a 3 year old!
