Monday, October 8, 2007

Results of my first homework assignment...

pimp myspaceSo, remember that paper I had to write about the Political Era of Policing? I got it back tonight and I got a 96% on it! Besides the fact that I earned a good grade, I am glad to have scored so well because I have succesfully figured out what the professor expects from our papers on the first paper I wrote... College students always go into the first test, paper, or assignment blindly, having no idea as what the professor's expectations are until you take that first test, get your first paper back, etc.

I had another "first" tonight in a test I took for my Interview and Interrogation class. The first 20 questions were multiple choice and get this, the first 19 answers were "A" and the last answer was "B" (I will confirm this when I get my test back, but I am pretty sure this is accurate because: 1- I pretty much knew the answers and 2- I saw him grading the tests when I turned mine in, which confirmed what I already knew). The rest of the test was answering 3 essay questions.

I only have 3 more "firsts" (2 of which are this week), and then I can exhale! =)pimp myspace


not2brightGRAM said...

Congratulations, 96 times!

We're so proud of you!

johnna said...

Wow...I guess that age-old advice on multiple choice tests of "when you don't know the answer, choose 'C'" wouldn't have worked here! I think maybe THAT was what this prof was testing...
Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

good job Jessica!!! soon you'll be able to get that much need nap!!! Keep up the good work...