Sunday, September 9, 2007

A new week begins...

I would like to say that I survived my first week of my new crazy college schedule, but starting tomorrow is when the real test of survival begins. Before I continue, let me give the run down on my schedule (in "hours spent" rather than giving specific times so as to appease my mom... she's afraid I might get a stalker if I put when I will be at School :) I Love you, mom!):

8 hours/day Monday through Friday.

4.5 hours - Monday
3 hours - Tuesday
4.5 hours - Wednesday
3 hours - Thursday

Two things made last week easier than most of my upcoming weeks at school: Labor Day and the fact that it was the first week of school.

Labor Day made the week easier because I didn't have to work on Monday, nor did I have class so really, I only had 3 long days, instead of the usual 4.

The fact that it was the first week of school also made it easier. Some of my professors let class out early after we went over the syllabus. In the classes that went the full, allotted time, the professor still just went over the syllabus but because I can read the syllabus for myself, I took advantage of the time and surfed the Internet on my new laptop... I am studious enough to know that surfing the Internet during class will not become a habit for me, but for those of you who have taken college classes before, you can back me up here when I say that there are definitely times when you can let your mind wander from the lecture and you don't miss a thing.

So, in 8.5 short hours my week will begin and along with it, the test for survival. For those of you who are praying folk... I covet your prayers! I have already realized that this semester is going to have to be taken one day at a time.


Anonymous said...

'hope you get your nap. I don't know who invented the nap...I only know that Donna perfected them!
Love you, Jessica
--Grandpa Clark

Four peas in a pod said...

Hey Jess!!! Welcome to the Blog world!! I'm so glad I can make comments on YOUR blog now!

Oh, by-the-way, i LOVE the title of your blog! Naps are definitely a characteristic of our family! ...LOVE them! (not sure what i am going to do when ellie stops taking them since we both go "down" at the same time!!)

Have fun with the Blog, Jess!

Much love,

Aunt Lori

Anonymous said...

welcome to the Blog World!!! they sure are fun to read...what would one do without naps?? wish you the best in classes this year...see ya ya

Four peas in a pod said...

oh, one more thing, ......... WOW!!! What a schedule you have! I was lucky enough to go to school full time without having to hold down a full time job! You go Girl! Only one more (school) year left!!

I'm proud of you!

-A. Lori

3dingsandadog said...

Hey Jessica! I'm so glad you have a blog! It is a great way to keep in touch.(even though we only live minutes apart..Your explaination of your schedule explains why I do not see you often!) I need a nap as well. I think it is a clark thing...we all seem to like them!


Jess(ica) said...

I definitely think the nap thing is a Clark thing. I can't think of one "Clark" who hasn't either said they love naps, or who I personally know loves to take naps (ahem... Charlie).

not2brightGRAM said...

Naps... ah-h-h-h-h-h!! Definitely a DNA-thing.

I call it "recharging my batteries." I'm fortunate to have a husband who insists I take one each day.

I'd write more, but I'm off to take one right now!