Tuesday, December 22, 2009
'tis the season...
Well, I have a few things about this "holiday season" that I'd like to address.
The first thing is shopping. Even if you didn't procrastinate on shopping for gifts, you probably still have a few last minute things you need to pick up: stocking stuffers, a gift for that last minute relative who decided to come to the family party, groceries, or a bottle of wine for the family member who is hosting you this year... either way, you most likely will be out, battling the crowds, before Christmas day arrives.
It's very easy to get frustrated with the crowds and madness. Everyone is taking up the aisles, people have grumpy looks on their faces and are huffing and puffing at people in their way, no one will move out of the way so you can lean over and grab the one item you came in for, someone cut you off and took the last parking spot that you've had your blinker on for and been waiting for as the previous occupier was backing out, the cashiers are grumpy because, well, they work retail, and shopping takes twice as long just because it's a very busy time of year.
Here is a tip to help you keep a smile on your face and a bounce in your step as you brave the crowds. Understand that there will be lots of people, be patient w/others and give yourself plenty of time. If you go to the store knowing and accepting that it's going to take a while and that there will be tons of people in your way, you will be less likely to be annoyed. Don't go shopping if you have some place to be in 20 minutes. You will just get irritated. Be the person in the aisle who lets someone else go by before you cut them off. Be willing to walk a little ways from the parking lot to the store (if you aren't worried about getting the closest spot that will reduce some stress). And smile at those around you. Who can't use a little Christmas cheer? =)
The next thing I would like to address is family, friend and work get-togethers. If shopping and gift buying wasn't stressful enough, just wait till you host 20 of your closest friends and family. If you've hosted before, you know that it's stressful. You have to make sure your house is clean, food is prepared, entertainment is provided, drinks are available, coordinate who's sleeping where if you are having people stay over night...
If you are hosting, let your guests know where they can find snacks during "non meal" times, get them their first drink and then tell them where they can help themselves for any additional drinks they might want, and even ask for help preparing meals, bringing part of the meal and with cleanup. Don't stress yourself out with making an elaborate meal. The whole point is for your family and friends to get together to celebrate Christmas. If you need to make some frozen pizzas so that everyone has time to visit, then make a pizza. Christmas is not about ham, homemade bread, and pie... it's about celebration. So don't let busyness get in your way.
If you are going to be a guest somewhere, you better be a gracious guest. Offer to bring something, offer to help once you arrive and don't even offer to do dishes... just start doing them after dinner. There is nothing more annoying than entertaining a bunch of guests who just sit around on their duffers while the host/ess does all the work. They are their to "host" not to be a waiter or waitress. And make sure that if you have kids that they are gracious guests, too. Kids learn how to say please and thank-you before they even have their first memory, so no excuses.
Oh and if you don't want to go somewhere, then don't go. Seriously, there is nothing worse than feeling obligated to go somewhere or obligated to invite certain people over. If you don't want to be there, it will show, and then you will just look like a scrooge.
Finally, I wanted to discuss the whole "Happy Holidays" versus "Merry Christmas" situation. Okay, here is the thing. If your intent is to tell someone that you hope they have a good day on December 25th, then you should say "Merry Christmas" as that is what the day is called!!! It's called Christmas Day. Christmas. I get that some people don't celebrate Christmas, and if you know that they don't, then it's absolutely fine (and expected) to say "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas. If your friend is Jewish, wish them a Happy Hanukkah.
But if you, in good faith, say Merry Christmas and the person doesn't celebrate Christmas then hopefully they will say something and you will know for next time. If someone were to wish me Happy Hanukkah, a holiday that I don't celebrate and one where the only thing I know about it is that there are 12 days of it and something about a candelabra, I certainly would not be offended. I would just be like, "Oh thanks, you too" and then move on with my life. I mean, if someone gets so offended by Merry Christmas that they lash out or get all bent out of shape, then frankly, I'm more amused than sorry that they take things so personally. I mean seriously people, stop being so easily offended. Unless someone is trying to offend you, just kindly tell them what they said offends you and hopefully they will respect that in the future.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying you wish a "Merry Christmas" to people who are clearly of another faith (sometimes you can tell by certain garments what religion someone belongs to, or sometimes you know b/c that person is a friend of yours). Know your audience. But I am pretty sure that most people will be pretty receptive to "Merry Christmas" and the only reason you hear people saying "Happy Holidays" is because they are afraid of offending someone and getting sued.
So anyway, the most important thing of all is to make sure you enjoy Christmas, New Year's Day and the events surrounding it. If you are stressed, find a way to relax. Ask for help if you feel overwhelmed. And remember the reason we celebrate Christmas!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
It's official...
I've known for a very long time that the moment I get a Minnesota based cell phone number I would have officially committed myself to being a Minnesotan.
And today, that happened.
I will still have my old phone for a few months b/c my contract isn't expired yet, but I am going to strip down the plan so it's not too expensive. So, while I can still be reached on that old number, I prefer to be contacted on my new phone (if you need my new number, let me know).
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
JFF (Just For Fun)
You know you have reached a whole new level of friendship when your BFF lets you borrow her/his...
Feel free to answer as many times as you want. =)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Flight School

Pilots train in fighter pilot video games at the airport arcades. At only a quarter per game, it's a pretty cheap education! And we thought education wasn't affordable!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Start Seeing Motorcycles

The Honda crotch rocket rider was traveling at approximately 85 mph. The VW driver was talking on a cell phone when she pulled out from a side street, apparently not seeing the motorcycle. The riders reaction time was not sufficient enough to avoid this accident. The car had two passengers and the bike rider was found INSIDE the car with them. The Volkswagen actually flipped over from the force of impact and landed 20 feet from where the collision took place. All three involved (two in the car and the bike rider) were killed instantly. This graphic demonstration was placed at the Motorcycle Fair by the Police and Road Safety Department. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
2 Push Ups
Well, today I did two! They were not in a row. One was around noon and the other was just a few minutes ago (9:20pm).
Saturday, October 10, 2009
What I love...
I love when other people do, too, but I really love it when my family does. Just saying....
Thursday, October 8, 2009
A Short Story
She even tried to anticipate and save for those expenses that were out of the ordinary. For example, when she knew she had a large, upcoming expense (4 new tires) she saved her money to make sure she could pay cash rather than having to put the expense on her credit card.
Everything was going great.
Then the universe bit her in the butt and her car broke down.
$520.00 later it was fixed.
The end.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
2 new goals
Sometimes they are big and huge goals that take a lot of time, effort, planning, and are certain to have a lot of failures and successes before I have reached my goal. For example: Re-doing my budget and manage my spending better.
Other times, they are small goals that don't take much time but are nice to accomplish and then move on with my life. For example: Each day I hope to record my voicemail at work without stumbling over my words and having to start over.
Well, I have a new goal. Well, two new goals. And one actually stems from the other.
This year in hockey I am going to be playing Center. This means I will be the person trying to win the face-offs. After my first few attempts at facing off during a practice a few weeks ago it became very apparent that I do not have the upper body strength necessary to be overwhelmingly successful at winning face-offs. I realized that it would be a good idea to work on building my arm strength. And the day after my practice, my extremely sore triceps confirmed my idea!
So, I set out to build up my arm strength. (This is goal #1)
In the process, I solicited help from someone at work who also works out when I do and they helped me learn a few exercises to build up my arm strength as well as shoulder, chest, etc. Obviously one exercise that can contribute to this new goal would be the simple push up. Except for me, they are not so simple. I can definitely do the "girl" push ups (on my knees) but I cannot do a real push up. Well, I can do half of one.... I can lower my body towards the earth but the coming back up part gets me every time.
I really want to be able to do a *real* push up (This is goal #2 and eventually I will expand this goal to be able to do more than one push up!)
Even though I have been trying to do this for a few weeks now, I have yet to actually do a push up. But, I can tell I am getting closer to reaching this goal. Tonight, I almost did one... I could feel it; but my arms are still rebelling. I will try again every few days though!
Obviously goal #2 is easy to measure: I can either do a push up or I can't.
Goal #1 will take time to measure. The official hockey season for my team hasn't even started yet so I am not regularly doing face offs at this point. But through the year, hopefully I will become stronger as well as learn some techniques on how to become more effective at winning face offs.
And not just outside.
I have a leaky ceiling in my bedroom. And about 2' x 2' "T" shape in the ceiling that is soft and squishy.
And now I am waiting for the maintenance guy to come and fix it.
Frankly, I'm not surprised there is a leak because when I moved in, there was discoloration on my ceiling that is clearly a water mark.
Luckily, it's not dripping on any of my stuff (yet!).
The worst part of it all: I was gonna take a nap when I got home!
- After no maintenance guy and no call from the apartment after an hour, I called and found out that the maintenance guy went on the roof, discovered some drain was clogged with leaves and that they will be here tomorrow to address the leak in my room. TOMORROW? Seriously?
- I got my nap in!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
And it's officially hockey season for the pros! Even though Minnesota Wild lost their first game, I have high hopes for them. They are under new management and coaching this year and have undergone some big changes in regards to how they play the game (positioning, breakouts, etc) so even though it might take them a bit to catch on and get the new system down, I think we'll see a lot of good things from them this year! And if not, it's still fun to watch the Wild!
In about 3 weeks, my AHA hockey season begins, too! My team, the Diablos, have already been practicing, played in a tournament, and have had a scrimmage game. I think it's going to be a blast this season and I am so excited to be back on the ice!
When I am not watching a MN Wild game or playing with the Diablos, I hope to spend time playing JMS hockey (indoor pick-up hockey), pond hockey or broomball (OR taking a nap)! =)
Monday, September 28, 2009
Impeccable Timing
Along with the thank-you note, Tiffani and John sent me a Target gift card. I was so excited to receive this for 3 reasons...
First, it's always nice to know you are appreciated (even if the "help" you gave was mostly for selfish reasons, like playing with your nieces).
Second, as I mentioned, the thank-you note and Target card came on the very day I started my new financial overhaul, and not knowing if my expenses exceed my income at this point, I don't exactly have the financial freedom to go to the grocery store and stock up on whatever groceries I want for the next two weeks. This gift card will feed me (don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have starved, but this allowed me to buy food without having to find a place from my budget to get the money from).
Third, if any of you have met Tiff, or have even heard me talk about her, you would know that Tiff LOVES and totally notices and appreciates the little things in life. And as I expected, she was so excited to hear of the divine timing of this thank you note and gift card, how it was such a blessing to me and that it came at a time that I really needed it.
So "thank you" Tiff and John!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Buy Now, Pay Later?
I have always prided myself on my good credit and the fact that I never make late payments on my bills. Don't get me wrong, the above-mentioned are still true, but over the past 1+ years, I've accrued credit card debt that I am not proud of. I've gotten myself into this vicious cycle of spending money before I make it (before I get my paycheck), using my paycheck to pay most of my bills, and then my credit card to pay the rest of the bills. And then using my credit card to buy other stuff (necessities and non-necessities) along the way. And I don't know about you, but once I start accruing credit card debt, it's very easy to say, "another $20 won't make a difference," and before you know it, you've said that a hundred times! And it sure as heck made a difference. A bad difference.
So now it's time for this cycle to stop. (Because frankly, I want to sleep at night).
With the help of my parents and some trusted (and financially responsible) friends, I have created and implemented a plan. I transferred my credit card debt to a lower interest loan (the payments will come directly out of my paychecks so they will never be late). One of my very good friends is in possession of my credit cards. And my credit card statements will be mailed directly to my dad instead of me. As you can see, right now I am asking those who are closest to me to help hold me accountable to this new plan.
And this new plan is going to be very hard. It's going to severely change my standard of living - or make me live according to the standard of living that I should have been living all along. haha! But it's worth it. And I know for sure that it will teach me things, and cause me to grow in ways that I never would have otherwise.
And I don't care what the economists say, the value of a dollar just skyrocketed in my world.
So, maybe I will post every once in a while on my progress. And I certainly would welcome money saving tips or stories on how you controlled your credit card debt!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Things you secretly find funny
Like, someone could even get hurt, but you find it funny.
I definitely see or hear about things that, so long as no one dies and everyone is okay in the end, make me laugh.
Here is my list:
- I LOVE when kids who use heely's (those shoes w/wheels) fall.
- When someone leans too far back or forward in their chair and falls out of it
- Pretty much any type of falling (like the other day I slipped on the cement and now I have a huge bruise on my knee)
- When people run into things because they aren't paying attention
- I like when someone who is driving like a crazy jerk trying to go around people on the freeway end up getting stuck in a lane going slower than the one they were in
- When people trip on nothing and look down as if something huge made them stumble
I might add more things as I think of them... but please, add to the list in the comment section! If you feel guilty, just post as "anonymous."
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Here are a few of mine:
- I won't use a pen if it's supposed to have a cap and the cap is missing. I'll throw it away or give it away, but I will not use it.
- When I drink coffee from a place like Starbucks, the hole in the lid (you know, the one used for drinking out of) MUST be lined up exactly opposite of the cup's seem.
- Before I eat I will always make sure I don't have to go to the bathroom, blow my nose or have anything else going on that might make me uncomfortable while I eat (the only exception is if I am somewhere where it would be rude to prolong the start of the meal). Oh and I also make sure I have my napkin, something to drink if I want that, and even chapstick available if I think I'll want it.
- If I have a paper cup with those plastic lids (you know, the kind of cup you'd get a soda/pop from at Subway) I always push down the 4 flaps that make up the hole the straw goes through. I hate the sound of the straw rubbing on the lid.
- I always tie my hockey skates twice... as in, I lace them up and tie them and then, starting with the skate I put on first, I loosen the top 3 laces and re-tie them.
- When I eat eggs or use them for baking, I always take out that white umbilical cord looking thing that is attached to the yolk with a fork before I make my eggs or mix in the egg to something I am baking.
I am certain I'll think of more later, but for now, I'd like to hear yours?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Taylor was being goofy when I took her picture =)
Hannah- chilling out in the play tunnel at my mom's house.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
A poem
They say patience is a virtue
They must've never had to wait for you.
Is it still called patience when you are waiting
for something that's never gonna come?
I give up; I'm totally done.
You tell me to wait
That it's going to be okay
But you never give me a reason
to believe what you say.
Release me, Let me go
Stop making promises you aren't going to keep
I'll find my way, I'll be okay
I'll find someone who means what they say.
How much time have I lost
hanging on your empty words?
Opportunities lost.
It's all a blur.
It's time to let go; find the strength to leave
Broken trust, fading memories
Looking forward to tomorrow, the past behind
Taking control, it's my time.
Release me, Let me go
Stop making promises you aren't going to keep
I'll find my way, I'll be okay
I'll find someone who means what they say.
My hope isn't lost; just one step each day
I'm not totally broken
I just can't stay
Release me, Let me go
Stop making promises you aren't going to keep
I'll find my way, I'll be okay
I'll find someone who means what they say.
-author unknown-
Thursday, August 20, 2009
- First walked - 10 months old (I think... may have been 9 months)
- First sibling - John Truax August 25, 1983
- First day of Kindergarten - Summer of 1986
- First Best Friend - Grace
- First boy I remember having a crush on - Chris Mooney
- First *big* move - to Minnesota
- First time experiencing the death of a loved one - Grandma Jones
- First time taking my driver's license test - failed
- First time moving away from home - to Bozeman, Montana
- First niece: Taylor
- First car: Dodge Shadow
- First job (besides Bloomers and babysitting) - Mc Donald's
- First kiss - well, you get the gist
Today I experienced a new "first" and it is not a fun "first" -
I found my first gray hair.
Now, I know what you are thinking: "Oh honey, I have a head full of gray hair and if I didn't dye it I'd be a blue-hair." I get it... other people have it worse off than I do. But think back to your first gray hair... it's not a fun moment in life and it certainly doesn't make you any wiser.
So, while many other people are "worse off" in the gray hair department, it's the first time I've experienced the gray hair thing and I'm not gonna lie, it's depressing- it represents the fact that no matter how hard I try and how much I am in denial, I am not going to stay young forever.
So ready or not, here comes old age.
(at least my boobs aren't down to my knees yet)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
An idea: 1 part serious and 1 part just for fun
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Hockey Jerseys

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Shamrocks - Nookie Supreme Challenge
Shamrocks, a little pub in St. Paul, is one of the best burger places in the world (if you don't believe me, come and visit and I will take you there). They have a burger challenge at Shamrocks that John and his friend Dan thought they could take on and win.
The group of guys when we first got there (the "before" picture)
But nevertheless, John digs in!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Torchlight 5k - Downtown Minneapolis
There were thousands of people running this race through the streets of Minneapolis. I was somewhere in this extremely huge group of people and when the race began, it was a good minute or two before I even crossed the starting line. (You can imagine my disappointment when I realized that my first few blocks of running didn't count towards the 5 kilometers I was planning on running)! So either a) I ran more than 5 kilometers in 35 minutes, or b) we subtract the time it took me to cross the official starting line and I ran the 5k in less than 35 minutes.
(L to R) John, me and Angelene (my roommate)

(L to R) John, Kris (who got me into Broomball! yay!!), me, and Angelene

Thursday, August 6, 2009
did you know?
1. What Color Is Your Toothbrush? pink and white
2. Name One Person That Made You Smile Today: too many to name just one!
3. What Were You Doing At 8 Am This Morning? working
4. What Were You Doing 45 Minutes Ago? eating Subway! yummy!!!
5. What Is Your Favorite Candy?M&M's (mini or plain are my fav's but I don't discriminate)
6. Have You Ever Been To A Strip Club? never have. never will
7. What's the last thing you said out loud? "that's a good idea"
8. What Is The Best Ice Cream Flavor? Definitely chocolate fudge from Baskin Robbins!
9. What Was The Last Thing You Had To Drink? Dr. Pepper
10. What Is The Longest You Have Gone Without Sleeping? Oh I don't know. Probably around 24 or so. I don't do well with no sleep
11. Have You Ever Made a Promise You'd Die to Keep? um die... that is heavy. I have no idea.
13. The Last Sporting Event You Watched? hockey!!!
14. What Is Your Favorite Flavor Of Popcorn? regular popcorn with lots of butter and some salt
15. Who Is The Last Person You Sent an email to? My cousin Rebecca in Singapore
16. Ever go camping? oh yeah. Love it!
17. Do You Take Vitamins Daily? yep! Woman's one-a-day and citracal
18. Do You Go To Church Every Sunday? uhhhh... pass.
21. Do You Drink Your Soda With A Straw? if it's a cup with a lid, or at a restaurant yep. Otherwise nope.
22. What Did Your Last Text Message say? "hey I forgot to say, thanks for the subway"
24. Where Is Your Dad? probably sleeping at home!
25. Look To Your Left, What Do you see? My old hockey breezers
26. What Color Is Your Watch? don't wear one... have a cell phone if I want to stay "in the know" regarding time.
28. What did you do yesterday? went to work and target, baked cookies, made taco soup, ironed my pants, texted, showered, went to bed
29. Do You Go In At A Fast Food Place Or Just Hit The Drive Thru? I like to avoid most fast food, but if I go, I guess it's usually inside b/c I only ever go if I am with someone.
30. What Is Your Favorite Number? 7 is my favorite number
31. Who's The Last Person You Talked To On The Phone? Lisa
32. Any Plans Today? well the day is almost over... went to work, on a walk and went to a hockey skills session.
34. Biggest Annoyance In Your Life Right Now? I can't say what my biggest annoyance is on my blog, so my second biggest annoyance is not enough cash flow.
35. Last Song Listened To? Oh I have no idea- it was hours ago...
36. Can You Say The Alphabet Backwards? nope, at least not without messing up a few times. But if you want it said forward, I'm your girl. Oh that reminds me, I was singing to hannah the other day (poor girl) and when I finished each song, she'd do the sign language sign for "more" hehe SO cute!
38. Favorite Pair of Shoes You Wear All The Time? Any kind of flip flops. Oh unless ice skates count?
39. Are You Jealous Of Anyone? I'm jealous that my parents and brothers have 24/7 access to my nieces....
40. Is Anyone Jealous Of you? haha, yep but this goes with my #1 annoyance that I can't speak about on my blog. Some of you will know what this is and others won't - sorry
41. Do You Love Anyone? any"one"? I love so many people!
43. What Do You Usually Do During The Day? "I help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected and realize their dreams."
44. Do You Hate Anyone That You Know Right Now? Hate is a strong word... there are people I strongly dislike though.
45. Do You Use The Word 'hello' daily? Um, hello???!!! Yep, I do.
46. Meaning of life? good question!
47. Do You Like Cats? yep. but I can't eat a whole one (recycled joke, I know)
48. Have You Ever Been To Six Flags? yeah. Six Flags Magic Mountain
49. How Did You Get Your Worst Scar? when I was born, I had this cord sticking out of my belly and they cut most of it off. Then when I was a few weeks old the remaining part fell off and now I have this gnarly hole in my stomach. (I've used that before, too... it's not original)
50. Last big talk? Today with my roommate about work and other stuff.
51. Last Cd Played? Daughtery in my car on my way home from GR.
52. Last Bubble Bath? whoa... it's been so long I have no idea!!
54. Last Meal? Subway... chicken ranch sub. SO yummy!
55. Have You Ever Dated Someone Twice? yep. actually 3 times.
57. Have You Ever Fallen In Love? I think once....
58. Have You Ever Lost Someone? yes. But I found her.
59. Have You Ever Slept Until 1pm? oh yeah... and I love it!!
60. Have You Met A Famous Person? nope
61. List Four People You Can Tell Pretty Much Anything To? Lisa, Rebecca, Angelene, Rachel...
62. List Three Favorite Colors/shades: Pink, Green, Blue
63. Laughed Until You Cried? yep. Love it!
64. Went Behind Your Parents Back? probably. I can't remember anything blatant though
65. Who Posted This Before You? Heather
66. Opinion on Abortion? no bueno
67. Lowering The Drinking Age? nope.
69. Who Are The Best Huggers That You Know? whoa this is heavy. Honestly, to ME, the best huggers are those who aren't serial huggers, know when I need one or want one and just do it. hehe
70. Do You Believe In Love At First Sight? hmmm... I suppose yeah.
71. Is There Something You Want To Tell Someone? yeah, let's see. I want you all to know that my birthday is tomorrow - Friday August 7th. hehe
72. Something that makes you go "hmmmm?" fake people. Why pretend to be happy all the time when you know you aren't? nothing more annoying than overly fake-happiness.
73. Would You Kiss Someone you just met? nope- oh unless it's Cal Clutterbuck
74. How Many Kids Do You Want To Have? 4 (hopefully twins in there somewhere)
75. Do You Want To Change Your Name? my first name-no; my last name-maybe someday.
76. Last Time You Saw Your Father? On Saturday.
77. What Time Did You Wake Up Today? too early as always. 630 am.
78. How Old Are You? funny you should ask. I am 27 for another 1 hour and 16 minutes
79. What Were You Doing At Midnight Last Night? sleeping! yay!
80. What Is Your Favorite Thing In Your Room? hockey equipment. Oh toss between that and my teddy bear. Teddy bear. Final answer. Hockey equipment is replaceable. Teddy bear isn't.
81. Where is your bffae? Sleeping soundly hehe
82. What can you not live without besides food and water? chapstick!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Does "shower cap" = "grandma??"

What I want to know is, for those of you who also shower daily but don't wash your hair every time you shower, how do you keep your hair dry if you don't use a shower cap?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Dare to Dream?
It could be anything from joining an underwater basket weaving class to going to the moon.
Now imagine that your dream totally depends on someone else.
You've done your part (signed up for that class... bought your space suit)... but now, you have to wait (someone has to teach that class or someone has to offer trips to the moon). And it looks like you will be waiting a while.
What do you do? Do you hold out hope knowing you most likely will never get to scratch that dream off your "list of things to do before you die?" Do you settle for a less lofty dream (like an above-water basket weaving class or going to a science museum); not as satisfying as your original dream, but something close enough? Or do you just give up on your dream altogether?
Do you have any examples?
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Hockey Pics
Note that while in the first pic where I am suited up I am wearing a black jersey, I was on the "white" team so I switched jerseys before the game began. Charlie and I ended up on the same team so we had a lot of fun!
Shot from the blue line.
Charlie (in front) and me (pink laces) skating up the ice.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Just over a year ago. I made the move to Minnesota from California. It wasn't a simple decision... on the contrary. Do you remember reading this blog post? Before I came to my decision to move, I really faced a lot of internal and external struggles. I was comfortable where I was at. I had great friends, a great job, lived in a great state, and had great family close by. I was just graduating college, so things would change a little but for the most part, life was hunky-dory and I was content.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, I decided to apply for a job in Minnesota and ended up getting the position. This, I knew, was going to change me. I didn't know how, but I knew it would. And I was okay with that because I like change. I've made 4 cross-country moves in my short 27 years of life and loved each of them for different reasons. I honestly thing this has been my favorite move though.
To reference the quote above, I truly agree that growth happens with change... and to get this you have to take risks. This move (risk... change...) has caused growth in my life. I feel as though I can be free to let people see my true personality (even if it's not always what some people like). I feel more confident in who I am as a person. I have had to face challenges and risks in my job, too, which has also promoted growth and change.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Follow up to "Pizza and Religion"
First of all, I just want to say that I read, word for word, what everyone has written and I truly appreciate your comments. I know that what you all wrote took lots of time and research (as many people quoted books and websites and the bible)- so thank you!
There is a lot to take in and I will try to find time to re-read everyone's comments.
Having said that...
Sometimes, I feel that the simplicity of the Christian faith is a relief. I mean, who wants a works-based salvation? But other times, I feel like it's too simple and I get overwhelmed- feeling like there is still something I need to do- nothing else in life is free. I have been reading a little booklet (Case for Faith) that a dear friend of mine gave to me, and the more I read it, the more conflicting thoughts I have. On one hand, the defenses and reasonings it offers make total sense. But on the other hand, the author does a good job of explaining the "objections" that this book is trying to defend and I find it hard to not ponder the same objections.
Mom, in your comment on the last post you said, "I feel His guidance and His presence and I just KNOW that my soul will continue to love God and to live long after this earthly body of mine has ceased to exist." I have never felt that. This is just me being honest. I am not trying to stir anything up or make anyone freak out. Nor am I trying to say things to cause anyone to stumble or question their own faith.
I know that belief in God, the Bible, and the things I have grown up learning all require faith, but I feel like I need facts, too. Just like Lori's objection, I also wonder how Christians, Muslims, Mormons, etc can all be so certain they are correct when they certainly cannot all be correct.
Just to clarify, I am not turning my back on my upbringing, God, or anything (although I suppose some might wish to debate that). I just feel like I am in a place where I really need to get answers. And I think these questions are totally legitimate because I really want to find the answers. But for now, God feels intangible.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Just pick one
Let's assume that anything you pick will have all the required nutrients you need every day (so feel free to pick chocolate) and we'll also give you a freebie and assume that everyone can have water, too.
Mine: Homemade bread and butter (as in REAL butter, not margarine); and "Simply Orange" Orange Juice!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Pizza and Religion...
Okay, so pizza. There are probably thousands of types of pizza. There are all kinds of crusts, sauces, cheeses, toppings, and sizes. You can buy pizza from a restaurant, the frozen food section from a store, or make it yourself. Some like the thin, New York style and swear it's the best; other like thick, Chicago style pizza and can't fathom a better pizza. And there is everything in between.
But sometime ago, somewhere, someone made the first pizza ever. It was the original. THE pizza. And even though we have lots of different variations of pizza, none of them will probably ever be like the original. Still, there is probably something in every pizza that resembles the original. A thread that links all pizza's that have ever been or ever will be made and eaten. A common denominator, if you will.
Yet, despite the commonality of all pizza's everywhere, we will never know what the very first, original pizza consisted of. We only have remnants of it through what has been passed down from generation to generation. And if you asked pizza lovers everywhere to make a pizza and enter it into a "make the perfect pizza" contest, there would be a common thread, but no two pizza's would turn out the same, despite the fact that all the "perfect" pizza's entered would claim to be "the perfect pizza." But they wouldn't be, because there was only one, "original" and perfect pizza (Round Table Pizza.... hehe j/k well, it's my favorite pizza, I just don't think it's the original and first pizza ever made).
I find "religion" to be the same. Before people freak out, I am not saying that there are many ways (religious paths) to the top of the mountain (God). I think that theory is actually extremely ridiculous. If one religion claims to be the ONLY correct religion and it is, then all the others are wrong, so there goes that theory. If that same religion claims to be the ONLY correct religion and it's wrong, then all paths don't really lead to the top then because now we've found one that is wrong; so again, that theory isn't correct. I digress... anyway, I believe that there is one true religion/faith (an original pizza).
But it seems that no matter which church you go to, no matter what kind of service you attend or speaker you hear about religion (Sunday morning, Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms, TV evangelists, politicians), all the messages are pretty much the same: if you believe you will be saved. Yet, this is played out in people's lives in many different ways. And when you have one on one convos w/people, there are many more details that totally conflict amongst the various religions (lots of kinds of pizzas). Yet people build their lives and make huge decisions based on a belief system that they can only ever know only part of the truth because so much is not documented or provable.
What makes you so sure that your belief system is correct?? (btw: that isn't a rhetorical question... I want people to answer that).
Here's the thing though, I want facts. Personal experiences (like seeing the light and feeling stuff and just knowing in your bosom) don't count. Well, they count, just not for the way I want you to answer this question. Obviously a belief system (whether you believe in God or not) requires much faith. I know there is a lot of personal experiences and testimony out there, but for now, I want to just focus on the scientific, factual evidence.
What "facts" and evidence (like science) do you have to support why your belief system is correct? How do you "know" that you are correct about what you believe regarding what happens after death? When you are at a funeral and look at a casket of someone who is no longer physically alive, how can you be so certain that they are in Heaven, Hell, simply don't exist, or whatever else your belief system might lead you to embrace as truth.
I suspect that many people won't answer this question because it will require some research (at least that is what I am assuming). This would be easy to say, "I feel..." or "I just know..." or "the Bible* says..." - but I don't want to know how those sentences end for you right now. I want to know how science supports your beliefs.
I will not be answering this question btw. Just reading your answers.
FYI: I realize the pizza analogy was lame, but I like pizza and I like analogies so it worked for me. lol
*I realize the Bible is one piece of evidence, but for this, I don't want to hear verses unless it also aligns with something outside the Bible, too (ex: Noah and the ark *plus* there is actually physical evidence of a world wide flood and here is the evidence....).
Friday, July 10, 2009
Time to reflect: 10 years ago...?
Okay, so think back to where you were in life 10 years ago. Who were you? What were you doing? What were your goals and expectations about your life?
Think about now... how are you different? the same? Did you achieve your goals or did you make new ones? Are things better or worse than expected?
Give examples if you feel comfortable!
As always, I will respond once a few other people do first =)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Another discussion topic
Do you think one or the other is "right" or "wrong?" Is it a personal choice? Situational?
I will post my thoughts after the discussion has started and is well under way!
Have fun =)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I'm In Love...
I am in love with my nieces! I can't believe how much I love them... it's truely overwhelming! The past few times I have gone to my parents, I have Taylor stay the night for a slumber party. Last slumber party, she kept asking me for the slumber party.... She doesn't quite get that it's a "situation" and not a game or toy! haha She's so cute!
The first slumber party we had we played well into the night and watched Kung Fu Panda, which is pretty much her favorite movie. She tells you what is going to happen before it happens! Love it... anyway, we went to bed late, reading books before we fell asleep. Taylor woke up once in the middle of the night asking me if we could read books. haha. Obviously I told her no and to go back to sleep, which she did. I was very lucky as Taylor slept until 9am! Tiff was jealous btw! hehe
The second slumber party was much like the first. Games, Kung Fu Panda, reading books, waking up in the middle of the night and asking me if I could read books. The difference this time: Taylor woke up 6:45am!!! (Tiff was giggling this time). So we got up and found my mom downstairs just snuggled up on the couch. Taylor crawled in with her. I asked my mom if I could go back to bed and if she could watch Taylor... she said no. haha - It was worth it though!
And of course, Hannah is a joy as well! We play with toys and I especially like the ones with music because she dances and smiles really big! And bathtime is always fun with both girls!
Here are a few pics of the girls from recent trips home... (some of the pics there is some red eye... couldn't remove it before I posted)...