Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Obsessive Compulsive Disorders - While we may not all have an extreme case of OCD, we all have OCD's in one way or another. I thought it would be fun to hear what everyone's OCD's are!

Here are a few of mine:
  • I won't use a pen if it's supposed to have a cap and the cap is missing. I'll throw it away or give it away, but I will not use it.
  • When I drink coffee from a place like Starbucks, the hole in the lid (you know, the one used for drinking out of) MUST be lined up exactly opposite of the cup's seem.
  • Before I eat I will always make sure I don't have to go to the bathroom, blow my nose or have anything else going on that might make me uncomfortable while I eat (the only exception is if I am somewhere where it would be rude to prolong the start of the meal). Oh and I also make sure I have my napkin, something to drink if I want that, and even chapstick available if I think I'll want it.
  • If I have a paper cup with those plastic lids (you know, the kind of cup you'd get a soda/pop from at Subway) I always push down the 4 flaps that make up the hole the straw goes through. I hate the sound of the straw rubbing on the lid.
  • I always tie my hockey skates twice... as in, I lace them up and tie them and then, starting with the skate I put on first, I loosen the top 3 laces and re-tie them.
  • When I eat eggs or use them for baking, I always take out that white umbilical cord looking thing that is attached to the yolk with a fork before I make my eggs or mix in the egg to something I am baking.

I am certain I'll think of more later, but for now, I'd like to hear yours?


erin said...

i remember how you hated that egg thing. and i've actually taken it out a couple times too cuz they ARE gross!

and i'm right with you on the pen with no cap thing!

one of my ocds that i can think of right now, is that before i get into bed i have to put on chapstick, put lotion on my hands, and take a tiny drink of water. and even if i get out of bed to check on the kids or turn off the light or whatever, i have to do it all again. there have been times that i have 4-6 layers of chapstick on before i go to sleep!

Jess(ica) said...

That is funny about your OCD! I am the same, except minus the water and lotion, but add going to the bathroom (maybe not if I get up and shut off a light or something, but if I get up for more than a few minutes, I start to think about it and then I have to go again). And of course, I have to do the chaptstick one! =)

Rebecca said...

My closet is in color order. When I hang up my shirts I start on the left: white then all the colors of the rainbow, ending with brown then black. That's kinda ocd-ish (but it makes finding my clothes in a hurry much more efficient).

Midge said...

I have the same one w/ the chapstick, lotion and water. And definitely the bathroom too. I can go to the bathroom, go to bed and start thinking about going to the bathroom again and then I have to get up and actually go again. Crazy.. And I have to put my clothes out for work the night before. Saves me the time in the morning?? hehe.. I also get ready and shower in the same order (ex- wash hair, put conditioner in, wash body, shave, then rinse out conditioner, etc..)

Anonymous said...

oh i do the same thing regarding the shower... i have an order to and if I accidently skip something in the order (like if I forget to wash my face)then I usually don't end up doing it because I forgot.

jess said...

anonymous was me =)

3dingsandadog said...

Rebecca,I do the same thing. I love it. It makes things easy to find and put away!

3dingsandadog said...

I tend to buy things in 3's. I don't know why. Two seems not enough and four seems weird.. hehe

Anonymous said...


Four peas in a pod said...

I can't think of anything I do that is OCD. Maybe that's a problem. :-0

not2brightGRAM said...

Just a thought. I dated a guy for two years who was truly OCD. With OCD, the obsession reaches the point where, if not fulfilled, it causes great anxiety. And sometimes, anxiety alone triggers the obsessive compulsion.

Alot of what people loosely call OCD behaviour is either ordinary habit, or eccentricities.

That being said, my "eccentricity" is my fountain Diet Coke. I get one every day (almost) from our local AM/PM store. In the same Alladin cup I've had since 1995! And, when I'm in a restaurant, if they don't serve fountain Diet Coke, i get water or iced tea. I refrain from Diet Pepsi.

But if you know me at all, you already knew that about me. LOL

Jess said...

I always eat my sandwhiches upside down. The bottom of the bread is the least tasteful so if I eat it first then I don't have to tast it last. Also I eat hamburgers upside down because the top part of the bun holds the meat better than the bottom. Wierd I know. Also I am totally the same way as you guys-before bed I have a routine that includes lotion, chapstick, water, tv, and a couple of misc. things that I will actually sometimes wake up if I have fallen alseep before doing and do them! Man that felt good to get off my chest :)