The other day I was telling my roommate Angelene about my wonderful new purchase from Avon. I got some eye shadows, a little makeup bag and a showercap. She suddenly looked up and without hesitation said, "You grandma!"
Okay, here is why I wear a shower cap. I shower every day but I don't wash my hair everyday. My shower is small and I am short so if I don't use a shower cap, my hair would get drenched!In order to keep my hair dry on the non-washing days, I wear a shower cap. Until I got my new, Avon shower cap (which was a steal at $1.99 btw), I used a disposable one from the Westin that I had taken (they are complimentary). But now, I have a very pretty shower cap!
(see - not too bad - oh and the colors are brighter in person)

What I want to know is, for those of you who also shower daily but don't wash your hair every time you shower, how do you keep your hair dry if you don't use a shower cap?
LOL leave it to you Jess to take something so ordinary and twist it! I dont' wash my hair every day either--on my non wash days (as you call them) I take a bath. Just me and Mr. Bubble soaking up some relaxation with a good book :) BTW..I see nothing wrong with you going "grandma" --if works for you that's great!
haha! just yesterday i was thinking to myself that i should get a shower cap! i used to not care if my hair got wet in the shower because i'd just pull it back in a ponytail. but now that i have to do my hair every time it gets wet, i need a shower cap! and no, it doesn't equal grandma!
I use a Terry cloth lined shower cap. And I have two grandcildren.
Functional and fashionable - what isn't to love?
i don't like using shower caps because for some reason they make me SUPER itchy where the elastic thingy is... but... i use the bigger of the small towels... um is that a hand towel? i don't know, the more rectangular one... haha anyway, i put my hair up in a pony first, then put the little towel around it, almost as if i was using it to dry my hair, then use a rubber band to make a "pony tail" basically out of the rest of the towel (and i look like a weird looking unicorn). that's what i do. so i don't think you're a granny for using one!
Very interesting what some people use! I guess I am not alone in this. I suppose this is something you don't really hear about because, well, you don't watch other people shower (lets hope not anyway...ew)
when will you come up with what kind of "TP" people use???? some are so much softer than others...
and who fold and who crumples???
I did do a survey asking "do you fold or crumple" - but I haven't brought up the topic on what kind of TP one uses.... I will keep that in mind! Look for it in a future blog! thanks for the idea!
Love it! I also do not wash my hair everyday. I just pull my hair back in a pony tail or bun. It may get some list mist on it but that is ok. I shower at night and by morning it is dry again. But fyi, watch the shower cap.. If I ever see it I may take it just because it is so darn cute and I might start to use it!
What's wrong with being a grandma?!!! And just for the record, I do was my hair everyday.
Pony-tail. This may be easier since I am tall and the showerhead is not directly above me...
Ps:some of the best ideas are from our grandmas anyway :)
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