A while ago some of you asked to see some pics of hockey... well, a few weeks ago my friend Rachel was visiting from CA and came to a game where Charlie and I were both playing so she took some pics... I am pretty identifiable as I wear pink skate laces.
Note that while in the first pic where I am suited up I am wearing a black jersey, I was on the "white" team so I switched jerseys before the game began. Charlie and I ended up on the same team so we had a lot of fun!
Being goofy before the game. Waiting for locker room assignment.
Charlie and I before the game began.
Shot from the blue line.

Charlie (in front) and me (pink laces) skating up the ice.

Yeah, I'm the one running into the boards...
my knees weren't touching the ice haha

Charlie (second from R) and I (second from L) chatting on bench.
The guy on the far right is my friend Douglas...
we almost always play on the same nights.
I must be headed for the puck here or something.

Probably just took a shot... and probably missed haha.
I know I got one goal this night.

Reaching for the puck...

Waiting for play to resume...

Back checking...

End of game... we had tons of fun. I always enjoy when Charlie comes to play
with me. I hope Greg and John can come down sometime, too!
So there you have it... pics of hockey. Maybe more will show up this winter =)
I am way excited to play on an official team this winter... the diablos! I will be wearing #87.
I think I already had a blog about that though....
thanks for sharing the hockey pics Jess- I still plan on coming to a game or two --hopefully you'll play close to me when of these days and I'll be able to come watch--maybe take some pics too!
i don't know why, but it seems funny to me that you were wearing flip flops at the arena...
LOVE the pink laces!
Awesome pics! I love to see you (and Charlie) in action! To think: The love of hockey in the Clark family started with a boy in San Diego who wanted to play hockey so much he put on roller skates and played in a garage in sunny San Diego. Can't forget the "butt shots".
looks like you all are having fun..ya, I remember those times in SD...they had fun then also........
You are so cute Jess. I love the pics. Thanks for sharing. You rock! Can't wait to see you play sometime.
These are great pictures, (way to go Rachel!)I have to get down there to watch. Sure brings back memories!! Love you!
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