Sunday, April 5, 2009


I grew up around plants. Lots of them. I don't know as much as my parents do but I know a little bit. I know that they all start growing somewhere. And most of the time, that somewhere is not at my parents garden center. The plants have been growing somewhere else, then, when my parents buy them, someone uproots them, ships them to the garden center and my parents sell them. Then, the plant gets put in someone's yard, their new home, to be enjoyed. It takes time before that plant has fully set it's roots in it's new home. As it grows, gets watered, and enjoys the sun, it's root grow more and more each day. Until finally one day, the plant is fully rooted in it's new home.
In June, I uprooted myself from California. And then I transplanted myself here in Minnesota. While I wouldn't consider myself to be fully "rooted" in my new home, I am well on my way to being there. I think I just need a little more time to grow and to reach my roots down a little further. But I am definitely rooted enough that if someone tried to move me again, I might not make it. My new home has certainly grown on me (no pun intended) and I am confident that this decision to move to Minnesota was the right one.


Rachel said...

I think your decision was the right one too. You have blossomed tremendously. You amaze me on a daily basis of how much you have grown and become happy in MN. Miss you but happier that you're happy:)

erin said...

that's good to hear!

and you might just need a little more sun. thank goodness spring is around the corner, huh!

Charlie Clark said...

I'm looking forward to experiencing the same thing, on a smaller scale, when I come home for the summer and next school year!

Jess(ica) said...

This post sounds way cheesier on day two! lol

Midge said...

I am very happy with your decision to come here... You are an amazing person and we are lucky to have you hear in 'Minn-eeee-sota!' Luv ya!


not2brightGRAM said...

*Rootin'* for you! If I was there, I'd *plant* a big kiss on your cheek.

(I thought if I outdid your cheesy post you'd feel better)

Anonymous said...

okay--Miss Cheeeesy--hee hee--what kind of plant are you? i'm going to take a huge leap and say a bleeding heart--because're story is very touching...and thank goodness no IA for me--can't imagine being away from a great friend like you for more than a few days..or while you're on one of your many vacations--tee hee

Four peas in a pod said...

Jess, is it my imagination or did someone just call you a "bleeding heart"?

........I am so proud of you, and I am so glad you are settling in.