What is one "thing" or category of things that you own or possess that you do not want to part with? Let's leave out answers like pictures of family, Bibles, sentimental stuff (ie: grandmas ring), general necessities (ie: food, clothes - you CAN say stuff like "Nike shoes" or "Levi Jeans")
I am talking about things that you spent your money on because you wanted it.
I'll go first: I am in love with my Toyota 4Runner. It is exactly what I wanted and then some! It's 4 wheel drive, manual transmission, has a sunroof, running boards, big tires, ball hitch (not that I use it, but if I needed it, I'd have one!)...

*knock on wood* Now I am afraid something will happen to my 4Runner or I'll get into an accident - this is my new found anxiety kicking in! lol (well, not really that funny).
That's a good one... hmnnnn.
I would have to say the thing I love the most, outside of your exclusions, is *music*.
I used to buy CDs, but now buy all my music on itunes. I have enough music to last several weeks without listening to the same album twice!
I would be really sad if I ever lost my ability to listen to music!
Easy. My computer. It allows me to stay in contact with family/friends, research EVERYTHING under the sun, including latest updates on cancer research. It allows me to get cancer support with others who have the same thing I do, it is a link to different cultures/ideas/concepts. I can get news from different perspectives. Whatever crosses my path in life I can find out more information about it via computer. Where can we take the kids this weekend...get on the computer and explore the possibilities. Shall I go on?
Good post, Jessica. I'm glad your back! (safely)
My bed, I love my bed. More specifically I love my cushion on top of the universities crap mattress.
My airplane... AKA "the bird". I wish I had learned to fly at a younger age,but am very thankful that I have had the chance now.
I love to just going for a ride, and when on floats, visit new lakes, which is great in Minnesota.
It also makes it a lot easier to go and visit the "transplant" for an afternoon.
my camera totally takes the cake! i probably spend more time on my laptop, but if my computers were taken away from me i'd just go live at the library!
and my camera usually goes everywhere with me, whereas my laptop doesn't!
i love your new poll! you're so creative when it comes to all the different options! :-)
I'm with you four peas. I love my computer...more so, the internet. Ditto to what you said, but for the record that is what I was going to say before I read yours!
hey, i have bloggy awards for you on my blog! :-)
Hmm, I think this changes for me depending on what's going on in my life. Lately, that "thing" is my camera. I've been having so much fun capturing those fleeting moments of Caleb's and Annabelle's childhood. I think I would be super duper duper duper sad if I lost it (and, I almost did recently when I left it in a taxi! Thankfully, I had the license number of the taxi. . . long story, but I got my camera back the next day!)
I don't know if I broke the rule since pictures was on the list of things I couldn't pick, but. . . oh well. You'll love me anyway, right? =)
Oh whew! I just read Ben & Erin's camera answer (I know, I should have read it before I posted mine) and you didn't kick them off your blog yet.
BTW-my word verification for this is "porever" I guess that's a combination of English and Spanish??
I love my dining room hutch. It's craftsman/shaker style, yet very elegant with its dark wood, glass shelves, mirrored back and built in lights that make my crystal and other glass pieces sparkle!
Oh wow... This is a tough one...I think my answer may be different day after day depending on how I feel, what is going on, etc.. in general I would say my books first off... I love to read.. WHEN I have down time, it is one way I can remove myself from any stress, real life, etc. and can just relax. Another would be my bath tub.. Nothing is better than a nice hot bath to relax away the stresses.. Oh and candles... love them.. the lighting, smells, etc.. Ok and also sugar babies! Really, is there anything better? Ok, maybe but I do like them. Yummy!
Can I pick my timeshare? I love being able to go there with Dave, my family or my girl friends. If I can't pick that, I'd have to pick our fireplace in the winter.
chapstick, computer, comforter:)
I would have to say my cell phone. It helps keep me in the loop with friends and family.
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