Monday, April 20, 2009

Blogging Slump

I am in a blogging slump...
Fresh out of ideas...
I have no idea what to blog about...
Should I try to think of a question to generate discussion?
Should I get my soapbox about something?
Should I tell a story from my life?
Should I write about something I've been pondering?
I have no idea.
Hence, this post.


Anonymous said...

give us a look into the life of Jessica

calif grandma said...

I'm sure you will come up with something of interest...!!!

erin said...

maybe you just need a blog vacation! but any of those will work! looking forward to see what you come up with!

Jess(ica) said...

The life of Jessica? I feel like there are many aspects to that! hehe

Anonymous said...

maybe you need to come up to Grand Rapids and do some seeding to help you clear your creative mind!! How refreshing would that be =:)<-<

Nicole said...

Write a post about Calvinism. :)

Montana Gramma and Grampa said...

I'm thinking you might have a few more pictures of your sweet little nieces?! I would love to see a post of them!!

Four peas in a pod said...

Every good "writer" gets "writers-block" every now and then!

You could put the writing on us, by asking questions like, "what would you do with a 500 million dollars?" etc.

Or, you could just take a break and wait for the ideas to come back!

Prin said...

Seeding!?! That WOULD be refreshing and I could definitely clear my mind!! Maybe I WILL? If only I had a quick flight up to GR for the day....hmmmm??? =)

Four peas in a pod said...

I like the posts where you ask a question and then everyone fights, um, I mean pleasantly debates their opinions! But really, those are my favorite! :-)


jess said...

I like the debate ones too! Especially because there seems to be a good plethora of views and opinions! It's always nice to challenge our way of thinking and at the very least, understand where someone else is coming from. I'll try to think of a good topic or question... =)

mom said...

Jana, you made me laugh! Prin, I hope you come, many hands makes quick light the work! Plus I miss you.

mom said...

oops, i meant to delete quick :D