Sunday, May 4, 2008

Learning the "Other Side"

This post might be kind of random as I attempt to write what I am thinking, but here it goes...

Over the past several years I have done a lot of growing and learning through various means: conversations with my friends, family, and parents, finishing my Bachelor's degree (well, in 3 more weeks), life experiences, etc. Through all this, there is one thing I have learned that really sticks out to me: while we all have our own beliefs about God, politics, this ethical issue, that moral issue, etc., it is not compromising your values and belief system to genuinely learn why someone else believes differently than yourself. I actually think it is very important to hear the "other side." And for many reasons...

-you can make well-informed decisions
-it can confirm what you already believe
-you don't look ignorant when discussing things with someone on the other side of the issue
-you demonstrate that you recognize their are other perspectives besides your own
-You find that you can (and I do) have very meaningful relationships with people whom you have opposing views with
-and you just might find yourself changing your position on an issue

By being willing to hear other persectives/arguments on issues, I have learned a few things about myself and about what I believe. To name a few:

-I have found that I am not 100% "republican"
-I no longer support the death penalty
-My faith is no longer just a part of what I grew up with; it is what I firmly believe to be true and cannot be convinced otherwise; I have always known that Jesus is God and the Savior of sin but now I have a better understanding of why I believe it.
-I love the Harry Potter movies and don't believe they are the devil's handiwork (C.S. Lewis' Chronicle's of Narnia are just as magical)

I think this lesson I have just written about is one of the most important things I could have learned. So "thank-you" to everyone who has challenged my thinking! I would name specific people but I don't want to forget anyone, although, it is pretty safe to name my parents. For the rest of you, you know who you are!


Anonymous said...

Man, Jess, you've become really deep since high school!! :-)
I totally agree though, especially when it comes to people with other religious beliefs. The more you know about their beliefs, the more sensitive and creative you can be when presenting Christ to them. Awesome thoughts girl!

Four peas in a pod said...

This is what I love about you Jessica. You are so loving and mindful of others. You love to learn and explore the world around you. You are not afraid to re-consider and challenge yourself. You do not compromise your faith, you make it stronger.

I am so proud of the woman you have become. You are truly awesome, don't you ever forget it.

I love you!

A. Lori

Anonymous said...

Ditto to both comments!