I was in Minnesota for a visit last weekend and took lots of pics.
I will attempt to group the pictures together.
Here are the pics of the family!
***There is a video of Taylor at the bottom of this post***
Playing Guitar Hero! Should be a staple in every home!
So, Taylor was calling these bran muffins "cookies" - She has much to learn =)
Bran Muffins are pretty darn good, though! And they keep you "regular" -
what else could you want? (except maybe a real cookie?)
I guess he was in mid-blink when I took this =)
Taylor was saying "cheese" in this pic.
Mom's attempt to do a "charlie impression"
Your comment about the bran muffins made me laugh out loud - we call the little rice cakes that Ellie eats "cookies". She won't figure that out for a while!
Hope you had a great trip home. I'm sure you were just thrilled to see Taylor!
Taylor is getting to be a" big little girl"....you must of had fun with her...everyone looks good...miss them all.....
Love the pix of Taylor snuggling her pink baby doll. So sweet!
(makes me miss my little Curious George)
Why is there only ONE picture of me in your entire collection of photos from your trip home? :)
Charlie, I think it's cuz Taylor kept jumping in front of the camera. =)
LOL I Love the Bran Muffins.
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