Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Videos of Taylor

This video was taken when I was in MN last January. Taylor was trying to stand up on the couch; she was pretty successful but her little legs succumbed to gravity!

This second video was taken in July when I was in MN for a 2 week summer trip.


Four peas in a pod said...

Love those big eyes! You are so lucky to have so many adorable babies in your life :-)


not2brightGRAM said...

The only trouble with videos is it makes you want to reach out and snuggle and smell them, but you can't!

But, it is the next best thing to being there...

john-tiffani-taylor-hannah said...

Thanks Jess, now people get to see what great parents we are... Now everyone will know why Taylor is a little "off".

Jess(ica) said...

John and Tiff, every child falls like this many times; we were just lucky enough to catch it on video so we can frequently laugh at the memory! =)

Anonymous said...

sure can see how she has changed ...getting so big...still think she looks a LOT like John..