Thursday, October 4, 2007

When it rains, it pours!

pimp myspace

You know how the saying goes... "When it rains, it pours."

Well, it's starting to drizzle and next week it's going to be pouring when I am flooded with tests. I am not sure, but I might be willing to bet that professors have actual meetings, conspiring as to which week they are going to give tests because they always seem to give them on the same week. I am not talking about mid-terms or finals week; I am talking about the other 13 weeks of the semester. I mean, how is it that 3 of my 5 classes would have a test on the 6th week of school? The only thing that makes sense is a conspiracy! Don't professors know that I work 40 hours a week just to pay for their over-priced textbooks? That the time I spend in the evenings listening to them lecture actually replaces the time that I would spend studying? That I squeeze in 6 hours of sleep (if I am lucky) just to have enough energy to actually show up to class after work? Ahhhh... the joys of being a college student!

One nice thing about rain is that when it is all done and you dry off, the sun comes out! Rain promotes growth! Recently, I have been reflecting on this "rainy" season of my life. At the beginning of the semester, I found myself looking forward to the weekends. I would wake up Monday morning with Friday night on my mind. It quickly dawned on me though, that each day is a blessing and each day I live and breath, God has a purpose for me in it. I know I like to go on and on about how busy I am and how teachers have no empathy for students, and while that may be true, this "rainy" season is promoting growth in my life. The difference between rain pouring from the clouds and rain in the form of things like 3 tests in one week is that the Son (of God) does not wait until the rain is gone to come out. He is with me each step of the way, giving my life purpose for His glory!


not2brightGRAM said...

Lovely post!

And may I say? good preparation for motherhood someday.

Children conspire, too. ;-)

johnna said...

Into each life some rain must fall
But too much is falling in mine

Into each heart some tears must fall
But some day the sun will shine

Some folks can lose the blues in their hearts
But when I think of you another shower starts

Into each life some rain must fall
But too much is falling in mine.

-Song 1st recorded in 1944 by The Inkspots and Ella Fitzgerald.

-It was also the motto for a brand of table salt. It may still be. Check it out.

But we get your point, Jessica -a lot of good memories about college days, but exams piled up is not one of them. At least its not a NEW conspiracy.

Jess(ica) said...

That is true grandpa... I can't be mad about professors conspiring against me when i know what I am getting into by choosing to continue my education! And to think we pay TEHM for this maddness! :) haha

Anonymous said...

Amen Sister! Im so blessed to have such a friend full of wisdom, rain rain dont go away come back another day and the next and the next:)

Rebecca said...

I have heard that professors conspire. The school bases each professor's bonus check on the number of tests he successfully administers on the same day as other professors in the school. You can imagine, then, that they are highly motivated! =)

Just kidding, but it does seem that they conspire!

Jess(ica) said...

Rebecca, until you said "just kidding" I almost believed you because there is enough evidence to support it :) haha