Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Question for Pet Owners

If someone offered you $100,000 to give up your most beloved pet, would you make the trade?


A day in the Life... said...

Yes I most definately would.

Elizabeth said...

Yes, I would. I'd probably miss them, but come on, let's face it, being debt free after college is more important!!

erin said...

my most beloved pet is a fish right now. HECK YEAH i would make the trade!

not2brightGRAM said...

It depends what they planned to do with her. Give her a sweet loving home with visitation rights? --Or use her as pit bull bait?

3dingsandadog said...

Well I have two pets. Lucy, my lovable black lab and Jackson, her younger obnoxious brother. With Jackson, probably. Lucy, not a chance. She is too much a part of the family.

inked33 said...

nope. they are members of the family.

Rachel said...

NEVERRRRRRRRR! I love my Bauer so much and would never give him up.

Four peas in a pod said...

In a heart beat! Especially considering my favorite pet right now is a fish.

But really, 100k? I'd do it for any animal. I would cry and feel guilty etc, but then I'd take the 100k and make my families life better.