Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Short Story

Once upon a time an average girl, with an average job, and an average life was trying to get her finances under control. She restructured her budget and consolidated her debt and made a huge effort to not spend any more money than she needed.

She even tried to anticipate and save for those expenses that were out of the ordinary. For example, when she knew she had a large, upcoming expense (4 new tires) she saved her money to make sure she could pay cash rather than having to put the expense on her credit card.

Everything was going great.

Then the universe bit her in the butt and her car broke down.

$520.00 later it was fixed.

The end.


Elizabeth said...

know how that goes....

:( sorry!!!!!!

wish i could give you a hug and we could go out together and commiserate! ...

without spending money of course :(

Jess(ica) said...

That is right! you DO know how that goes! I wish we could go out too! =) Miss ya!

Heather said...

oh, how annoying!!! what a bummer.

Rebecca said...

Bummer! But just think of how bad it would have been had you not already been planning and saving for the expected half. Not *much* of a consolation, but a little one at least.

BTW, you crack me up. I love the way you write and even if you weren't my cousin, I'd still read your blog. It's probably one of the best blogs out there!

Jess(ica) said...

Thanks Rebecca =)

And yeah, it IS nice that I have half the money... =)

erin said...

youch. been there. :-(

but yes, good job saving up the money for the new tires. as hard as it is to hand over $600 in cash, there is also a peace that comes with it, knowing that you don't have to pay it later!

not2brightGRAM said...

So sorry for the setback.

Here's a little joke to (maybe) make you feel better.

This guy was washing the dishes in his kitchen and he heard a soft knock at the door. He opened the door and there was nobody there. Just as he was closing it he looked down and saw a snail.

"What do you want?" he asked the snail.

"Can I have a glass of water please?" asked the snail.

"No, clear off!" shouted the guy and he punted the snail down to the end of the driveway.

Several weeks later, the guy hears another faint knock at his door and again, just as he was closing it he looked down and saw the snail.

"What do you want?" he asked the snail.

"Can I have a glass of water please?" asked the snail.

"No, get lost!" yelled the guy and he again kicked the snail down to the end of the driveway.

Two months later he was in the kitchen again and he heard yet another light knock at the door. He opened the door, looked down, and saw the snail again.

"Now what do you want?" he shouted.

"I just want to know why you did that?" said the snail.

You must feel like that snail, but keep being persevering! Love you, Jess!

Anonymous said...

Cute story! =) Thanks. It made me smile!

grandma said...

Well we all have been way or the other...guess it is all about how life goes..on the positive side, be thankful that you have a job and can pay for the repairs. Love ya

Midge said...

Ok.. I know this is sad but the way your wrote it.. I am still cracking up. Feel bad for you but also think this was funny! (how you wrote it not the $ part)