Monday, June 1, 2009

dear jessica has moved

At the suggestion of my aunt pup, I have created a new blog just for "dear jessica" -
Click on the link at the top, right of this blog to head on over to the new "dear jessica" blog.
Comment moderation will always be turned on so you can ask a question in any comment field.
"dear jessica" blog will stay alive so long as you keep asking questions... have fun!


3dingsandadog said...

Jess. It wouldn't let me leave a comment on your Dear Jessica page...

Here's a question. What is your thought on marrying young(i.e. teens or early 20's) versus marrying older. Do you think there is any difference, does it matter? Pro's/Con's??? Just wondering your thoughts...

jessica said...

The reason you can't leaev a comment is b/c it's "moderated" - basically means you probably did leave a comment but I have to "approve it" before it publishes... =) good question and I will answer it once I am not at work!