Monday, May 4, 2009

Another tag thing

8 Things I am Looking Forward to:
  1. Hockey on Wednesday night
  2. Pottery class on Tuesday
  3. Next night out with the girls from work
  4. Seeing Taylor and Hannah this weekend
  5. Vacation (in general)
  6. Rachel coming to visit
  7. Sleep - always excited about that!
  8. Grey's on Thursday
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
  1. Slept in
  2. Took my multivitamin
  3. Went for a few walks
  4. Painted my toenails
  5. Had Panera for dinner
  6. Watched Grey's reruns
  7. Talked to Rachel on the phone
  8. Chatted with Jon online about homeschooling
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
  1. travel more
  2. have kids of my own (and a hubby of course)
  3. afford a new phone because my cell phone is a piece of poop
  4. pay off my student loans
  5. get lasik eye surgery
  6. convince people to let me mow their lawn because I enjoy it
  7. buy new clothes when I need them
  8. know when it is and isn't awkward to give/receive a hug
8 Shows I Enjoy:
  1. Friends
  2. Grey's Anatomy
  3. 24
  4. Hell's Kitchen
  5. Tom and Jerry (because that means I am watching it with Taylor)
  6. News channels (CNN and FOX)
  7. Ice hockey (I know that isn't a "show" but it's on TV so it counts)
  8. America's Next Top Model

I am tagging YOU if you read this and you have a blog and you haven't done it yet! And hey, it's a good excuse for those of you whose last post was like, a month ago, to start blogging again!


erin said...

ok, why were you chatting about homeschool? not that you can't, it just doesn't seem like something you'd converse about! :-)

i loved your answers, and also your reasons for doing it at the end... like if you haven't posted in a month!

not2brightGRAM said...

Done. Go see.

jessica said...

The topic of homeschooling came up so we were just discussing our thoughts on it... gotta love gmail chat!

Becky said...

Who takes a month for a new post?!?!? lol! How long have you been in pottery class? Take some pics of your work with your poop phone! We'd love to see your talents!

Midge said...

Love your post! And fine, you can mow my lawn sometime. Only because you really really want to though. Hehe..You are cute and funny! luv ya! I will come 'grab' you when you can mow for me!