Because until Friday, March 13th it is the only thing I am living and breathing as I will either be a) reading my Property Loss Adjusting textbook, b) feeling guilty about not reading my Property Loss Adjusting text book, or c) since there always has to be a 3rd reason I decided to blog about my Property Loss Adjusting textbook.
Believe me, you don't have to read this post. This one is for me. And it's going to be a poem.
I shall call it:
Ode to My Property Loss Adjusting Textbook
On a cold rainy day you showed up at my cube,
Ready to teach me all that was glorious and new.
You stared at me daily, waiting for attention,
but I got wrapped up in life and began to neglect you.
Everyone else's new books got read,
but to me, my book, you were deader than dead.
I shunned and despised you, made your heart bleed
'till I realized the truth: to pass the test, it was you I did need.
I picked you up and then put you back down.
Time had been wasted and it was too late now.
I took the test and as expected I didn't pass.
I let you down, and me down, and I let out a gasp.
After this failure my future looked grim,
If I wanted to move on, I had to try the test again.
This time, because of my procrastination and failure,
the financial burden of testing was now on my shoulders.
I set my test date and set out to study,
and made a reading plan with the help of a buddy.
I didn't stay on target of my great reading plan,
And with one week till the test, I am having to cram.
Property Loss Adjusting text book, why do you loathe me?
I don't want to die young. Can't you see?
I am trying to learn what you have to say,
But estimates are not exactly the highlight of my day.
Let's spend the week together, my precious book,
Every moment of every hour, at you I will look.
Just put up with me for a few more days.
And on March 13th, we can part ways.
This is a picture of my book.

Disclaimer: For real, as hard as this book is to read and as much as it has cured my recent insomnia, it actually has a lot of valuable information in it. It is just not as entertaining to read as a novel.
When you get tired of working for State Farm, you really should apply for a job writing for a magazine or something. You CRACK me up!!
Love you... and think of your good fortune! There is one less hour in this day, starting tonight at 2 AM. One less hour to feel guilty about *not* reading that book.
haha thanks. I suspect I will be a long-term State Farmer though. Otherwise I would not subject myself to these great insurance tests!
Thanks for pointing out that I only have to feel guilty 23 hours tomorrow instead of 24! That TRULY is great news! you have no idea! =)
I am so proud to call you my best friend. You are so creative when you write. I am so sorry you have to read that dreadful book, and you thought you were done with reading boring books (school). I love your poem, seriously I totally agree with Aunt Pup, you should write for a magazine for sure dude. I hope you reach your goal of reading a certain amount by this weekend, seems like you were very diligent today, keep up the good work. I love reading your blogs, mainly because of how you write them, you rock friend!!!!!
i LOVE this post for 2 reasons. first, the poem. it brought me back to days of making up the friendship tack poem. :-)
and second, the chapstick. i love the fact that you used the chapstick for a reference! and now i know what your favorite kind is because, yes, i have been wondering. my favorite is a blue blistex kind too, but i like the all blue one. not the one with the white cap.
anyway, have fun parting ways with your book next week. hope you pass the test!
BTW, I prefer Burt's Bees Lip Shimmer -Coffee- for my lips. It really hydrates and also gives a bit of color. =D
Oh my - the friendship tack! wow, we were amazing! If it weren't for that tack, we may not be friends today! haha j/k! Remember the BFF wax, too? lol...
I haven't tried the blue blistex, but hopefully it's amazing as the blue "chaptsick" brand I use (blue means w/moisturizer)...
I have never used Burt's Bees... I know of other people who like it...
LOL, love the chapstick!! :)
Good luck with your test. Of all days to have to pass though, Friday the 13th????????????????????????????
yeah, I am trying to ignore the fact that my test is Friday the
13th! I am hoping it is more of a representation of the content I am studying rather than the likihood of me passing the test!
Rach, thanks for the words of encouragement! =) yeah, I thought i was done reading books when i graduated last May, too. Boy did i get that wrong! oh well! Technically this insurance stuff is voluntary anyway! =)
Shakespeare would be proud. That was a lovely Ode, full of passion, tension and drama. Love it!
Now, if you could somehow write a witty, romantic novel using PLA as your storyline, you could make Jane Austen proud. Go ahead, give it a try. I'm pretty sure that if there is anyone that could do it, you're that girl.
I agree with Rebecca, you should try writting a romatic novel! But what is "PLA"?
I loved the poem. You are so good. And I am proud of you for how much you have studied for this now... And remember, if it doesn't work out for you, you can always start writing poems! Hehe.
Thanks for all your support, Midg! =)
and mom, PLA is "Property Loss Adjusting" =)
Rebecca, I am not sure I am ready to write novels yet. That is an overwhelming thought! haha
Good luck with your test!
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