Saturday, February 14, 2009

Word Verification Game

I recently noticed a few of my friends making comments to each other on their blogs about the word verifications and the funny words (well, not really "words") they are sometimes. So I decided to bring back the Word Verification Game!

Some of my family members will remember this game!

What you do is, you look at the most recent comment on this post; at the end of it, will be the letters from the word verification the person had to type to leave a comment. You take those letters and make a sentence out of it using the letters from the word verification.


Let's say the letters are: maebit

You write a sentence like this: Monkeys Always Eat Bananas In Trees

Before you publish your post, you copy down YOUR word verification letters...

I will make the first comment and put my word verification letters so that the first person has letters to start with.

Let the game begin!


Jess(ica) said...

The first set of letters are:


erin said...

seriously? ocusigna? i'll give it a shot.

Oh Crap - Um Seriously I Got Nasty Alphabets!

lol. how fun. sorry it's a bad run-on sentence! can we add articles like a and the?


Anonymous said...

Like, I tea-bagged your obese grandma!


Anonymous said...

Because everyone nice owns muffins


not2brightGRAM said...

The extremely sensitive superintendent eradicated seven severe educators.


Elizabeth said...

haha thanks for bringing this back, i love this game!

"Bear eaters should coax out nervous fury animals."


Jess(ica) said...

Seldom will doritos ever suck!


Elizabeth said...

caleb and little annabelle kissed.

Rebecca said...

Elizabeth forgot her letters, so I'll add mine:

p.s. thanks for resurrecting this game. it's a good one!

Rebecca said...

Really, Elizabeth? Dan is eating broccoli?!?


Elizabeth said...

Being eligant, Rebecca inspired nine girls.


Elizabeth said...

elegant :) haha

Jess(ica) said...

Rich investors need greedy executives.
