Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Finish this sentence...

This is the game:

I'll start a sentence with a word (one word only) and the next poster will finish the sentence. Then, on a new line, that poster will start a new sentence with one word (one word only please). The finished sentence can be as long as it needs to be in order to complete the sentence, however, make sure it's only one sentence. I'll go first to show you:


(now click in the comments)


Jess(ica) said...

Tomatoes... are one of the most disgusting thing I could think of to eat (that isn't meat).


erin said...

... someone else comments while i'm writing this and my sentence doesn't go with the new word they write!

(by the way very fun and creative jessica!)

public bathrooms...

Jess(ica) said...

I stole the idea!

Heather said...

...don't scare me as much as they scare some people, but if i can avoid them, i usually do.

The Bachelor... :)

not2brightGRAM said...

...pointed out that Heather's sentence was more than one word.


erin said...

haha... i totally suck at following directions. i must have skipped over the one-word rule! oops!

Jess(ica) said...

Conversely, not2bright's sentence was just one word!


erin said...

... i'll get better at this game!


not2brightGRAM said...

...the Chargers will make it to the SuperBowl and win!


Anonymous said...

...Obama will change his political views.


Anonymous said...

...is a crazy women who is involved in cult ideals.

Democrats... ;)

Becky said...

unfortunately there is not room in this blonde's brain to even consider thinking about them...


that is ONE word

Becky said...

i must add a sidenote: My one word is pronounced shoe shopping, not shoes hopping.....

Jess(ica) said...

Shoeshopping is an endeavor that I always make Rachel join me on because lets face it, she's amazing.


not2brightGRAM said...

...I own more shoes than Imelda Marcos.


Jess(ica) said...

...is pretty much amazing!


Rebecca said...

Google. . . has dramatically increased my short-term knowledge, but sizeably decreased my long-term memory.

Now. . .

(can i steal this stolen idea?)

Rebecca said...

Google. . . has dramatically increased my short-term knowledge, but sizeably decreased my long-term memory.

Now. . .

(can i steal this stolen idea?)

not2brightGRAM said...

...,though named from paper, can also be caused by other thin, stiff materials, such as aluminium foil, thin blades of grass, etc.


not2brightGRAM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jess(ica) said...

You can definitely steal this stolen idea!

Jess(ica) said...

Pretend... you are flying away to a tropical island tomorrow; oh wait, I dont have to pretend, I AM!


Rebecca said...

(I am typing one handed which makes me very slow!!)

Papercuts should be the topic of an Office Episode.

Now. . .

not2brightGRAM said...

(there is considerable crisscrossing going on!)

not2brightGRAM said...

(there is considerable crisscrossing going on!)

Jess(ica) said...

now...there is no need to worry if there is crisscrossing b/c it is still fun!


Rebecca said...

Hair is the least of my worries.

Mexican. . .

Four peas in a pod said...

Mexican feild workers make groceries cheaper.


Anonymous said...

beauty.....and the beast..you take the beast...i'll take the beauty.(that would be you honey)


john-tiffani-taylor-hannah said...

toot is the only acceptable word for FART that my mom will not freak out at!!!


Four peas in a pod said...

FART use to be an acceptable word to me before I had children. Now it sounds OUTLANDISH!


Anonymous said...

metric system is the best weights and measurement system on the planet. For you youngsters.. the US government almost went with the program about 35-40 years ago.. too bad they didn't.


not2brightGRAM said...

..can be found in almost everyone's belly buttons.
