Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just a little tip

So, recently I realized that when I am eating pre-packaged food like yogurt or a Lean Cuisine, it seems to be more satisfying if I put it into my own container rather than using the plastic ones the food comes in. It must be a psychological thing, but I feel like I am eating more of a real meal and thus, I feel more satisfied after I eat.

As my Yellow Squash Ravioli (which I totally recommend) was cooking in the microwave, I was reading the back of the Lean Cuisine box (what else was there to do besides watch the timer expire?). As I was scanning over the nutrition facts and other random information on the box, I noticed that this very tip was on the box!

So it must be true!

You should try it sometime!

**Please Note** - This is not a 'Tuesday Tip' (clearly; it's not Tuesday) nor is there going to be a weekly "tip" posting. I just wanted to share. So please do not set your expectations high and expect brilliant tips like this frequently. I can't handle that pressure!


Nicole said...

Well, I'm not going to reply unless you plan on posting a tip WEEKLY.

erin said...

jess i know you're a wealth of worthfull knowledge. i know you have tons of tips...come on...!
i've done that with tv dinners too. it makes them taste better i think. unless of course i don't want another dish to wash. then i don't worry about it!

not2brightGRAM said...

Rick and I have been getting a lot of "take out" lately, and I love putting it on real plates. I think it has to do with pretending I cooked it! But, yes, you're right, it DOES seem to taste better!

Four peas in a pod said...

It also may be better for you. Some people say that it is much safer to heat food on real plates than on plastic.

And keep the tips coming!


Four peas in a pod said...

I say why dirty a dish!!!!


Elizabeth said...

i definitely agree with a. lori on that one!

...but i still might try it, just because i'm into dieting:)

Becky said...

once you start with a tip you can't stop!!! I'll even have erin re-design my "Tuesday Tip from Becky Homecky" if you post every week!!

3dingsandadog said...

I always do that with a frozen meal...It's tastes much better :)