Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Broomball game #1

Last night was my first Broomball game... OMGosh it was so much fun!!

I haven't ran around like that for a long time so it was a little tiring... ok, a LOT tiring! I hope I will build more endurance soon between broomball and pond hockey.

Today, I am pretty sore... I am sore in places I didn't even know I could be sore like the arches of my feet! What the heck?? And I have some stuff in my lungs from running around in the "cold" - although it wasn't really that cold out. It was probably around 32 degrees last night (couldn't have been much more than that because it snowed about 10 minutes after our game).

Oh, and we lost the game. By a lot! We had one goal and we stopped counting theirs after 8 goals. But I had so much fun I didn't really mind the loss.

Our next game isn't for a few weeks but I am already looking forward to it!

PS: Broomball shoes are amazing! You really don't slip on the ice at all! I am attaching a picture I have already posted once before so you can see the shoes again. The soles are soft and squishy and grip the ice!


not2brightGRAM said...

OMG... reading this, I totally *flashed* on seeing you on the ice playing hockey in Sacramento when you were little! Seems so long ago...

Jess(ica) said...

It WAS long ago! I miss playing so much. It's been so great to be back in the "hockey culture" here! If people don't play, they usually at least watch it! And the local channels show the hockey games in MN! It's great!

erin said...

i'm glad you had fun despite the loss! how often will you be playing? both broomball and hockey? sounds like fun! i haven't been able to play in years....

Jess(ica) said...

I am playing Broomball in 2 leagues. One League is about once a week on Tuesday OR Wednesday night and the 2nd league is on Friday nights, but that doesn't start until after the new year begins. =) Pond hockey will be a time or two a week probably - once it gets going!

3dingsandadog said...

Sounds fun. I'm glad that you are enjoying living in MN. Happy Holidays :)

Four peas in a pod said...

You know, I have been waiting a long time for your first Broomball report!!!! I'm so glad you are out there having fun in your element! I'll expect some action pictures soon!

Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

A. Lori

Four peas in a pod said...

This is the best example of what I'm now trying to teach Ellie - it doesn't matter if you win or lose but if you had fun trying!! ENJOY!
