I am going to attempt to write about something I have been thinking of for a while. I will do my best to explain how I am feeling because I need to make sure this all comes out how it's meant. The only reason I am going to write on what I am about to write on is because a few people who I have confided in about this seem to be struggling with the same thing and I have a feeling there might be more people out there. So here it goes.
Just a note, when I refer to "Christianity" I am referring to the Protestant Christian faith, not any other type of religion that is lumped into "Christianity".
Lately, I have been struggling with Christianity. Before anyone jumps to conclusions, rest assured that the TRUTH of Christianity is not what I am wrestling with. I absolutely believe that the God of the Christian faith is the True and Living God; I believe Jesus Christ is God's one and only Son, who provided the only way to the Father through death on the cross and taking upon himself the sin of the world; I believe the Bible is the Word of God and 100% inherent and I do not believe that any other book or "scripture" has been divinely added to it. Belief is not what I am struggling with.
What I am struggling with is finding the distinction between belief in the truth about God and the heart-changing faith in God. It's easy to believe in God. 98% of Americans believe in the Christian God, right? Even the DEMONS believe and shutter (in the book of James somewhere). But, I know there is a difference between belief in God and putting your faith in God (or being born-again, or trusting in God for salvation... there are many ways we can say that).
And of course, there are certain things Christians do to mark themselves as Christian: we pray, go to church, encourage one another, sing songs, have prayer meetings, tell each other that God has a plan, we try to not to ask questions when tragedy strikes because God is in control, we try to live moral lives, shop out of the Christian yellow pages, we go to Christian schools or home schools, we avoid having too close of "non-Christian" friends, we cringe when someone swears or tells a taste-less joke.... I have been doing all of this (or trying to) for 27 years and for the past few months, I have realized I am a total fake. I do this stuff because I feel like I should; it's the Christian thing to do. The Christian bubble is pretty cushy... we all hold hands and hug and sing and it's like we avoid the world, rather than living in it to make an impact. I mean, really living in it: hanging out with people who don't call themselves "Christian," reaching out to someone and being involved in their lives beyond the 2-hour coffee house discussion, meaning it when we say "how are you?" and educating ourselves on what's out there and realizing that people who have different perspectives are real people and just want to be loved.
By saying I am a fake, I am not saying I am not a Christian; the truth is, I don't know who I am or if I am (here is where most Christians would tell me "oh, I know you are saved" and then they'd provide some good evidence as if they knew my heart). But what I do know is this: I want to figure out who I am, I trust that God has not given up on me, and I am not going to pretend anymore. I am going to be real. And right now, that means that I am questioning everything I've ever known about what a Christian life should look like. It means that I am not going to do the "Christian thing" just because I feel like I have to. I want it to be genuine; I don't want to pretend like I don't have problems or struggles or that everything is "fine" simply because God is in control. This is too serious a matter to continue to take for granted. I need to either be a true Christian or stop trying to be something I'm not (no worries, I desire the former). Maybe I am wrong about all this, but I guess that is ok because my goal is to figure things out.
My goal in writing this was absolutely not to have anyone reassure me or call me or anything of the sort and I apologize for possibly sounding like a jerk; I am just really frustrated. I just think that maybe someone else out there is struggling with the same thing and I wanted to tell them that they are not alone. This is not an easy thing to admit and many people will think I am going through a phase and won't see the depth of this struggle and that is ok. But the truth is, I have denied this struggle of mine for most of my 27 years just hoping that one day it would somehow not be an issue. I've tried to pretend along the way and I think I've done an alright job, but now, I must face reality now because frankly, I don't want to run out of time.
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I think this inner struggle of yours is so great! It proves that you've swallowed your pride and admitted to God that you don't have it all figured out.
I have been a Christian all my life but up until the last year or so I didn't have anything figured out. I lived the way I was "supposed" to as well. Or maybe I didn't but I knew what I "should've" been doing.
I knew OF God but I didn't KNOW God. In Job he says, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you." I feel like that. Until I had my faith tested like I have in the last year I hadn't seen God. I had read of the promises but I'd never felt them personally. I wanted a relationship with God but I'd never really had to lean on him before.
And so he used something very, very precious in my life to bring me to the truth. He brought me to my knees and made me suffer until I could admit I didn't know anything, I didn't REALLY know him. I just knew of him.
I share that because I felt just like you. Sometimes I still feel like I'm not sure what it really means to be a Christian. I don't want to sound prideful, like I have it all figured out because I don't. But, God has opened doors in the last year and shown me things I never knew I could learn. You can read the Bible over and over again but until it really means something TO YOU personally it's just a verse.
This is probably totally off topic and not even really relating to what you're talking about but for some reason I felt like I should share it.
I think the hardest part about being where you're at is that the only thing that, in my opinion, can really change anything is praying for God to really show you the truth. To really reveal himself to you and to make himself known to you in a way that you can only know him when you've lost all else. That is by far the hardest thing anyone can pray because it's inviting hardship into your life but you know, for me, I didn't cling to my faith until I'd lost something. I didn't cling to my faith and to Jesus until I was left with nothing. Until I felt hopeless and lost. I didn't cling to Jesus until I thought I might someday lose my son. I didn't cling to him until I was left with no answers and the only thing I knew was God.
There's an awesome song I just love and it says, "I'm stuck between the promise and the things I know." How true is that. We all grow up learning a lot of things, we hear promises and we want to believe them. But when faced with trials in our lives or faced with really being real about what we believe then we're not sure. The song also says, "Those roads were closed off to me, while my back was turned." To me it's saying that there are things we will never know about God until we really face him. And we can't really face him until we can say, God use whatever you need to in order to bring me to You.
Don't be discouraged by your doubts. Ask God to show you the truth. Not the truth of your parents or the truth of our culture but His truth.
I just wanted to add that I re-read what I wrote and I hope I didn't come across sounding prideful and acting like I have it all figured out. I do not by any means!!
That is so crazy that you would write this, because I have been struggling with the same thing. We should talk sometime.... :)
Nicole, you don't sound prideful. THANKS for your comment! I will email or facebook you a private response soon =)
Sarah, yes lets talk! I’ll call you or you call me this weekend??
Jessica, I don't know why, but I feel compelled to share with you two blogs of women who are Christian, and seem to have an "inner spirit" similar to yours. I read these blogs every now and then when I need a cool drink of water. I can NOT put it in to words, especially when I do not consider myself a Christian - especially in today's political/theological terms - but their insight and passion for truth excites my inner soul.
Their blogs are public so I do not hesitate to share.
I love you Jessica,
A. Lori
PS there is no one post i can say to go and read. it is their journey as a whole.
I was a fan of theirs BEFORE the obvious Obama support!!!!!!
A. Lori
I appreciate your honesty so much. Isn't it funny how part of living the "Christian" life involves being dishonest about how you are really doing. My biggest struggle lately deals with real confession. I can recognize at least some of my sin and realize that it is wrong, but in an abstract way that is not humbled at all. When I make attempts at confession, I know in my heart that it is not genuine. We all should talk more about these struggles because I bet a lot more of us are struggling than we realize. Love you!
Hey, wanted to just write a quick note for everyone possibly struggling with this same thing. I know I have already encouraged you in this and want to encourage anyone else who wants something more.
I just got done with a 10 week bible study called Believing God by Beth Moore. God used it in a mighty way to totally change my perspective and my faith. I feel like I walked from the land of the dead to the land of the living.
I, like Nicole says, have not got this thing figured out. However, I know that God has a wild and crazy ride ahead of me as I continue to believe (continually and every day) in Him and what His Word says. I am believing God thru this. I leave you with a powerful condensed shield of faith:
God is who He says He is
God can do what He says He can do
I am who God says I am
I can do all things thru Christ
God's Word is alive and active in me
I'm Believing God
I encourage you to do this bible study.
Love you
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