Thursday, August 28, 2008

4 things...

I got tagged by Nicole to do this little survey thing...

Here it goes:

4 things I was doing 10 years ago:
-Starting my senior year of high school
-Working at McDonald's (lame)
-I was really involved in my youth group
-Getting ready to play varsity ice hockey (it was a city team until this point)

4 things on my to do list for today:
-Pay a bill or two
-Take a nap
-Finish this survey
-Pick up my friend Brandi from the airport!!!

4 things I love about my husband:
-Yeah, I don't have one of these...

4 jobs I have had:
-Bible Camp Counselor
-Subway (I've worked at 3 Subways in 3 different states)!
-State Farm Insurance

4 movies I have watched more than once:
-Lord of the Rings

4 places I have lived:
-Minnesota (at my parents and on my own)
-California (at my parents and on my own)
-In my aunt and uncles garage
-In Montana in an apartment with 3 roomies

4 place I have been:
-New York City
-Disney World
-U.S. and British Virgin Islands
-The Jelly Belly Factory

4 places I want to visit:
-The New England States
-All of Europe
-My cousin in Singapore
-The Hershey Factory in Pennsylvania

4 t.v. shows I watch:
-American Idol
-CNN Headline News

4 things you may not know about me:
-I love ears and when I am thinking, I play with mine
-I have really, really bad eyes; I can't even read a book without corrective lenses because I have to be so close to the book to read that I would have to turn my head to read a sentence.
-I am already saving for my retirement (401k and Roth IRA)
-I love State Farm more than I probably should - I have the insurance, mutual funds, credit card, T-shirts, sweatshirts, beanie, and jumper cables to name a few =) PS: If you don't have State Farm Insurance, you should.

4 people I am tagging:
Rebecca (who may be a while since she just had a little baby girl this week!!)


Rebecca said...

Sweet! Not only did I get tagged, but I am one of your top 4 vacation destinations =)

I will try to post this week.

Anonymous said...

enjoyed reading your Tag....I have only one should try watching FOX NEWS...much more rounded view point of the news!!!! Try it, you might like it........

Jess(ica) said...

Grandma, I mostly watch CNN at work and it's the only channel they let us have. =(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What is this tagged thing all about? I got one and didn't know what to do.There were no questions to answer. Do you work near the Republican convention ? If so, I bet traffic is awful!!

Jess(ica) said...

Grandma, They don't even let us get the remote at work so there is no chance I would get to change the channel. BUT I will try and watch Foxnews when I am at home =)

Aunt Lynn, not sure what the circumstances are surrounding you getting tagged; I'd have to know more to help ya. Do you have a blog or was it an email thing?

Also, YES I do work near the Republican National Convention, and I actually live closer to it than I work! I am going to try and go tomorrow (Wed) night! We'll see. If I go, I will be sure to report on it!