Thursday, February 28, 2008

Which would you rather?

Would you rather have a car without a working heater in the winter...
a car without a working air conditioner in the summer?


Rebecca said...

Are you talking about a California winter?? In that case, for sure I'd lose the heater in favor of the air conditioner!

Jess(ica) said...

It can be any winter, but I would still choose to lose the A/C over a heater (even in a CA winter, I would rather have heat)

Anonymous said...

give me A/C...can always put more clothes on than you can take off!!!
Now if you are talking Mn, than I would take Heat!!!!!

not2brightGRAM said...

For me, the litmus test has always been, "Would you rather walk out to your car in the farthest parking spot at the mall in the summer or in the winter?"

For me, the answer has always been, "summer", hands down!

I don't mind the heat, but I detest the cold! =0

Jess(ica) said...

I am with you, Aunt Pup... I hate being even a little cold, but I can stand being really hot, so bring on the heat!

Rebecca said...

Dear Heat-loving Cousin,

Singapore will be a dream-come-true for you. Especially if you end up coming in July! =)

3dingsandadog said...

In California I would say lose the heat...I can't live with out A/C but I could always bundle up to keep if we are talking about Minnesota I might change my mind :)

Four peas in a pod said...

Hmmmmm.......... I would rather have no heater in the summer. You can always roll down the windows and have the hot wind blow on your sweaty body -thereby cooling it, somewhat.

Cold-to-the-bone, is cold-to-the-bone!!! No thanks.

Incidently, I prefer cold weather over hot. In those cases I see myself being able to get warm easier than getting cool. However, in this "would you rather" situation, those options have been striped away.

Love the would-you-rather game! Keep them coming!
