Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Blast from the past...

For my parent's 50th birthdays, we gave them a book with lots of pics from when they were kids until now. I have lots of old pics saved to a USB now so I thought over the next few days (or as I think of it) I will post some old pics.

This is John and I - probably in 1983

Me and My dad (back in his mustache years)

John and I
(Not sure what the look on my face is for...
...John still has that purple pony. haha j/k)

This is my favorite picture of John.

This could have been used as an advertisement photo for the Landscaping company!

Greg (L) and Charlie (R) - cute as ever!

Mom and Dad... young and in love!

Dad and John

I will add more pics later (maybe even later today, if my class is boring enough)!


Four peas in a pod said...

Love the pics! Keep 'em coming!

3dingsandadog said...

Cute pic's! I never understood those mustashes!

Anonymous said...

It is NOT possible that your parents are 50!

It was just last year -it seems- that I met your mom on the Santa Cruz Boardwalk (I took the sixth picture down, that day).

How times flies!