In the mail today, I received a belated birthday gift from my brother, Charlie. He sent me "San Diego Chargers" stuff from the team store.

I definitely don't follow football like the rest of my Chargers-loving family, but I certainly feel a strong patriotism for the Chargers. Therein lies the significance of my belated birthday gifts from Charlie (well, besides the fact that they're significant because Charlie bought them for me)! Advantageously, the Chargers' team colors match the color of my car! (Did I use "advantageously" correctly? I liked the way it sounded...?)
* Chargers "bolt" emblem and fuzzy dice pictures were taken from http://www.chargersproshop.com/ where you, too, can obtain Chargers memorabilia to decorate your life with.
being a charger fan in one thing, but if you turn out like your Aunt Lori....like the time I remember while watching the game and a touch down was made, and she (Lori) jumped up and the chair she was sitting in went into the window and broke it!!! now that is a charge fan!!!!
It's amazing how the hometown loyalty has trickled all the way down to the next generation!
Not surprising that we- your grandparents, dad, aunts and uncle- would still think of San Diego as our own, but our kids never lived there, and barely visited!
Rick and I still think of moving back there someday, although I know it's not the same paradise it was when I grew up there.
Still, it's got to be better than the city we live in now--- #365 of "Cities Ranked and Rated", out of 365 cities ranked and rated! Highest car theft stats in the nation (yes, we've had a car stolen, as have many of our neighbors). And, a minor league (farm) baseball team named the NUTS. To keep us steady, we are the home of Gallo Wines, though!
Go Chargers! ;-)
San Diego...SAME OLD CHARGERS! Yeah, as much as I try, I cannot get them outta my blood. 44 years of heartbreak! But those 1st few years provided priceless memories -Like little David and I leaving for Balboa Statium before noon, armed with our brown bag containing such delacasies as fresh peanut butter sandwiches...
Jessica: neat touch...a commercial at the end of your blog! ...the new commercialism in the wake of DVRs.
Make that Balboa StaDium, the 1st San Diego home for the Bolts (LA, [yuck] is where they were born).
Balboa Stadium was the San Diego High School stadium near Balboa Park with a new tier added in anticipation of the huge crowds that this fledgling American Football League would someday draw...
I have to admit that the real reason I added the "commercial" at the end of my blog... it was because I couldn't copy and paste those pictures because of copyright laws so I did a "print screen" and pasted that into paint. I figured I should give credit to the chargers pro shop since I illegally stole their pics :)
By the way, my first memories of "Paint" was when you created all those NFL team helmets on paint many years ago :)
For more San Diego nostalgia, please visit Johnna's World at
The gifts were definetly from me and not greg!
thanks for the clarification, charlie! ;) I will update the blog accordingly
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