I like having goals.
Sometimes they are big and huge goals that take a lot of time, effort, planning, and are certain to have a lot of failures and successes before I have reached my goal. For example: Re-doing my budget and manage my spending better.
Other times, they are small goals that don't take much time but are nice to accomplish and then move on with my life. For example: Each day I hope to record my voicemail at work without stumbling over my words and having to start over.
Well, I have a new goal. Well, two new goals. And one actually stems from the other.
This year in hockey I am going to be playing Center. This means I will be the person trying to win the face-offs. After my first few attempts at facing off during a practice a few weeks ago it became very apparent that I do not have the upper body strength necessary to be overwhelmingly successful at winning face-offs. I realized that it would be a good idea to work on building my arm strength. And the day after my practice, my extremely sore triceps confirmed my idea!
So, I set out to build up my arm strength. (This is goal #1)
In the process, I solicited help from someone at work who also works out when I do and they helped me learn a few exercises to build up my arm strength as well as shoulder, chest, etc. Obviously one exercise that can contribute to this new goal would be the simple
push up. Except for me, they are not so simple. I can definitely do the "girl"
push ups (on my knees) but I cannot do a real
push up. Well, I can do half of one.... I can lower my body towards the earth but the coming back up part gets me every time.
I really want to be able to do a *real*
push up (This is goal #2 and eventually I will expand this goal to be able to do more than one
push up!)
Even though I have been trying to do this for a few weeks now, I have yet to actually do a
push up. But, I can tell I am getting closer to reaching this goal. Tonight, I almost did one... I could feel it; but my arms are
still rebelling. I will try again every few days though!
Obviously goal #2 is easy to measure: I can either do a push up or I can't.
Goal #1 will take time to measure. The official hockey season for my team hasn't even started yet so I am not regularly doing face offs at this point. But through the year, hopefully I will become stronger as well as learn some techniques on how to become more effective at winning face offs.