Friday, February 29, 2008
UCLA Study
A study conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiatry has revealed that the kind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle. For example: If she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged and masculine features. However, if she is menstruating, or menopausal, she tends to be more attracted to a man with duct tape over his mouth and a spear lodged in his chest while he is on fire.
No further studies are expected.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Which would you rather?
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Life is like... Poker!
One of the biggest keys to being a good poker player is patience. You most likely are not going to take everyone out early in the game. As the game progresses, you have to wait for your "all in" moment. And when you see it, you need to seize it; and when you seize it, you need to do it with confidence. Until that moment happens, you still need to play smart and be ready for something big to happen.
I think life is like that. We need to be very patient sometimes, waiting for those moments or things that we really want. Until that happens, though, it is important to make good decisions along the way so we are prepared to make big, "all in" decisions when they come up. And when we make those big decisions, we need to go for it with confidence. Another reason patience is important is because sometimes, those big decisions are out of our control and we have to wait on another person's leading (or God's leading).
This all made more sense in my head when I was thinking about it earlier today =)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Funny Pictures

Look, a giant carrot is digging through our cupboards.
That hideous thing could only mean two things:
It was Christmas and mom was helping Santa, or she was a victim of the 70s.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Old Car... New Problems
I caused some sort of electrical problem in my car tonight. While I was idling in a parking lot waiting for my friends to finish pumping gas, I was trying to plug in my car charger for my cell phone. It wasn't working so I took my cell charger out of the cigarette lighter and this little piece of metal fell out. I tried to put it back (although I wasn't sure where it belonged) and I saw sparks (no worries, little sparks). Suddenly, my radio turned off and the lights on the radio started flickering. Also, the "door ajar" warning light on my dashboard came on.
Later on, after I had gone somewhere and got back in my car, I notice my interior light was not working so I flipped the switch to "off" so that just in case it came on, it wouldn't drain the battery (at this point, the radio still flickered and the "door ajar" were still having issues). When I turned the interior light to "off", the radio stopped flickering and the "door ajar" light turned off. HAHA
Also the clock in my car only works when my car is on. When I turn my car off, the clock turns off but when I turn my car on, the clock picks up where it left off rather than starting back at 12:00 like most clocks do when the power gets cut off =)
I am grateful this little electrical episode did not cause my headlights to stop working! I hope my car doesn't randomly catch fire because of these electrical problems. Although, I would probably laugh if it did because it's not everyday your car catches fire!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Jury Duty - Woo Hoo!!!

I suspect that I am a very unlikely candidate to be selected though. Based on my stats: never been in trouble with the law, Criminal Justice major, and working in claims for an insurance company - it is not likely I will be selected. I am sure the prosecution will like my stats, but the defense won't (mostly because of the "Criminal Justice" part).
I hope they ask enough questions to figure out that even though I am studying Criminal Justice, I actually think I would make a very fair decision (on both guilt and sentencing) when presented with the facts.
If the case is a 1st degree murder case where the death penalty would be a potential sentence, I would not be able to serve since I am opposed to the death penalty - not for the reasons most people are opposed to it, but still, I am opposed... if you want to know why, feel free to ask (side note: I am NOT opposed for religious reasons).
Obviously, this is all speculation since I still have yet to go through the process of being considered, but these are all thoughts I have had when I have imagined the day I might get to sit on a jury!
Oh yeah, State Farm gives their employees paid days off when they are serving the government (jury duty, military, working an election polling place, etc), so no "financial burden" here! Just an excited college student who hopes she gets selected! =)
Friday, February 22, 2008
A few pics from Christmas 2007
My favorite part was "bath time"
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Patty Cake
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Not quite 50 years ago...
Mom's yellow, polka-dotted shirt and yellow ribbons. I think her outfit is really cute =)
Dad in 1958.
Dad and a dog (can't remember what dog this is... do you remember, aunt pup??? )
Once a Chargers Fan... always a Chargers fan!
If any of these pics spark any memories, they would be fun to hear!
More pics to come =)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Blast from the past...

This is my favorite picture of John.
This could have been used as an advertisement photo for the Landscaping company!
Greg (L) and Charlie (R) - cute as ever!
Mom and Dad... young and in love!
Dad and John

I will add more pics later (maybe even later today, if my class is boring enough)!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Head Rush
I think life is like that sometimes. The craziness and temptations of life start to black out your vision of what is important. It happens faster than you think, but looking back, you can see each place you started to lose sight of what is important. You find yourself holding on for dear life, trying so hard to stay focused so you don't crash down. If you are hold out long enough, you re-gain your sight and you can see the Light again.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
As of lately...
(A recent picture of Charlie with all his poker chips when he was visiting our family in CA for Christmas; he ended up taking home over half the pot that night!)
Well, that's it for now =)